Friday, May 28, 2010

Aneurysm Frontal Lobe Surgery

The cold shower

With Omni on May 15 before the squat 59Rivoli,
after their presentation (© Dani Voirin )

Amazing how short the time: we time, no hurry, and circumstances change suddenly, and the memories become as obsolete.
There are only ten days, the Omni were at home, a week of madness , three performances in the capital, many corre corre and joy.
Then they were left to the train that took them to Barcelona, where waiting other representations. From there they would seek a way to stay a few weeks in Europe to continue to happen everywhere where friends could find accommodate them and their scenes (and fifteen years of existence and creation, they have friends everywhere). But
accelerated impossible to extend the Schengen visa, returned to Cuba. Good.
And then their mail just now on my screen, first news since their return is bad news ...
Upon arrival at Havana airport, while they were confiscated: computer, hard drive, cameras, film presentations, poetry, their e-mails, everything is in receivership ...
By opening their luggage, customs officials found in their CD business with documentaries on the Ladies in White , on underground rappers . " Oooh, it's heavy! " has a customs commented on seeing this.
Everything was confiscated for 30 days, the time for seguridad del estado conduct the investigation. But what investigation? What is this show? They think differently? They are free in spirit and in action? Is this really prove? And then what?

Meanwhile, learn that Sonia's ex-wife Reinaldo , was threatened in Venezuela, where she has lived since the early 1990s. I met her when she was returned to Cuba for the first - and only - time in 2005 I believe, on the anniversary of the daughter she had with Reinaldo. We had a celebration at 14 e floor in Yoani and Reinaldo. Normal.
Last January, in Caracas, where she lives, on the occasion of an administrative appointment, police officers, including a Cuban, asked her why she had gone to Reinaldo, who frequented the house, what opponents, etc.. As her say she knew nothing and it does not look at them, one guy threatened her: " Well, you should be careful in the streets, with all the insecurity there in Venezuela ... "
She returned home terrified. Some time later, the Cuban consulate where she made the steps to go to Havana to get acquainted with his two granddaughters, he was told to return for an appointment with the consul. She preferred to abstain. She left Venezuela since the end of March she lives in Bogota, and feels in danger.
Mechanics oppressive, threatening device, scare people, wherever they are, and indirectly weaken those who are actually referred ... qué feo ... how ugly ...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Porcelain With I Mark

From Outside the law to the historical truth

After the controversy over the new film Bouchareb

From Outside the Law

to historical truth


Alexander Gerbi


Q UATRE months before its theatrical release, Outside the Law Bouchareb rocked Cannes and is already flowing rivers of ink . Should be welcomed. Reopen the case because Algeria is in any way, beneficial.

D ince fifty years, the French state in all its aspects and emanations asserts that Africans in general and Algerians in particular aspired to Independence and General de Gaulle, in his great wisdom, they finally fulfilled his vow.

Now this is essentially a fallacy since the last analysis, General de Gaulle and his allies imposed independence for Africans. For reasons unmentionable, touching on race, civilization, religion and money.

Entourloupe global

If hope is allowed now is that something new has occurred in recent years and grows remarkably in recent months. Now, in small political, intellectual and even French university, no one seriously questions specialists that Africa was dropped fifty years ago by a French state racist and greedy. Difficult, indeed, to deny that Africa has known the silent whisper and still more openly ...

Indirectly, it is understood that the official history of the Franco-African decolonization is the best of the fable, the Worst of the impostor. This last assertion is obviously very annoying. Especially as the dirty trick is deployed intercontinental scale, if not global, and its implications are enormous ...

Listing reversal

As an example of this historiographical unprecedented turnaround begins to explode (with the key, there is at least right to expect major changes in the Franco-African relations over the years and decades to come ...), this exchange surreal, most recently on France 5. The

Monday, May 24, 2010, in issuing C in air Yves Calvi, entitled "Algeria, Golden Palm taboos," among political scientists, historians and other sociologists result, here is what we heard to the minute 0'59 :

Raphael Drai: Both the others must understand that we are on a real site, that site is extremely painful and that it is a way to talk about things (...) to describe the real machine that crushed us all, and each other. Because in 1958, this month of May is a month fabulous, with a sky blue as I have never seen, there was a moment of brotherhood. So of course, from the perspective of political analysis, we say that each and the others were transported by truck, everyone has told stories. But I think in high schools, I believe in public places, there was a moment, a moment like this, who also recalled one of those great moments, for example, the French Revolution. There. Everything was possible. It was still necessary to take the party to grant French citizenship to all Algerians ... But that, I think, General de Gaulle, from this point of view, has much tacked and ...

Benjamin Stora ( a weariness mocking): More ... de Gaulle!

Draï Raphael: Yes, No, De Gaulle, but of course! because it is present. I mean ... When he arrived at the balcony ...

An inaudible voice, a few laughs.

Raphael Drai: Sure, it bothers to talk about all this ...

A voice: Yes.

Draï Raphael: But I think there were in 1958, a movement that broke fraternity which could have the best out ... But then, history, politics decided otherwise ... The petty politics ...

The biggest lie in history de France

Nobody contradicted Raphael Drai. Benjamin Stora has just yelped the sacred name, and an unidentified voice approved the embarrassing nature of the subject. As for Yves Calvi, he has not seen fit to raise, as is customary in such cases. That discomfort you're told ...

Especially since the only precision called for by the political scientist Raphael Draï comment is a reminder that political equality, if it was, indeed, finally refused to Algerians by twice through independence and the FLN in 1962, was still first indeed, given the Algerians in the wake of the revolution of May 1958. 46 members and Arab-Berber found place for four years, the Palais Bourbon. But because of shenanigans, flouting all the promises by which he had justified his return to power and obtained the votes of the people, wearing black Africa as a lever, the General, his men and his supporters managed to bury the spirit of May 1958 and extirpated Algeria to France. To avoid that France is "bougnoulisée" in the words of Charles de Gaulle.

Meanwhile, on the set of C in the air, on the 5th string of public service, May 24, 2010, the day of Pentecost, we were told quietly, almost without turmoil, the official history of French decolonization as it is told in half a century school, television, print media, by intellectuals and politicians, is basically a huge lie, which he could prove he is the biggest lie in the history of France, and that it is the root cause of most of our dramas.

We understand why, two years ago, in May 2008, the media and the authorities of the Fifth Republic blanciste fêtèrent the anniversary of the scheme on tiptoe. We also understand that the Year of Africa in France takes place in the utmost discretion in this very embarrassing fiftieth anniversary of the alleged "independence" in Africa.

Alexander Gerbi

Friday, May 14, 2010

Pa Male Brazilian Wax

Greek Crisis (continued) : Choices calamitous Jean-Claude Trichet, the ECB and European leaders

Greek Crisis (continued):

calamitous choices

Jean-Claude Trichet, the ECB

and leaders European


Alexander Gerbi


L undi May 10, 2010, financial markets greeted with excitement (9.66% for the CAC 40 for example) the plan concocted by the Bank European Central Bank (ECB) and the governments of the euro area, on an intervention to the tune of 750 billion euros. A thunderous applause understandable, since that plan to sacrifice monetary orthodoxy which, in our previous article , we explained the dangerous implications.

Indeed, this orthodoxy maintains euro area governments in a weak position vis-à-vis financial markets, including Americans. On May 12, 2010, Jean-Claude Trichet and proclaimed proudly to the microphone in Europe 1: "The ECB does not work printing money." And he explained: " all cash we will give (...) occasions.

other words, the States beneficiaries of the plan will repay, which means that the aid granted by the ECB will increase the debt (and debt repayments) of countries already weakened. At the point of speeding up their downfall? Measures draconian that can "shave" a few billion here and there cost, in fact, at the end of the chain, very dear to the unfortunate Greek citizens, and soon Portuguese, English, Italian, French finally have often faced terrible difficulties ... A the key national economies sealed by a consumption drastically curbed since, and millions of impoverished citizens, pushed to the path of rebellion or, worse, despair.

Racing results, after the spectacular euphoria of Monday, May 10, exchanges have resumed the next day the way down, like the euro, point during the week, largely erasing the gains the famous Monday ...

It is absurd to fear that the ECB plan causes the collapse of the weakest economies in the euro area, a domino effect that will lead others in turmoil. Worse, the crisis could increase by contagion from the economic field to field and office politics.

A risk that translates into a new breakout of the euro, which revolved around 1, $ 26 on the eve of the plan of the ECB, and quotes today, Friday $ 1.23.

Working out of monetary orthodoxy would have released significant liquidity "healthy" (a few tens or hundreds of billions of euros) to plug budget gaps immediately and revive the economies of countries in difficulty, without imposing unduly stress on individuals but on a During the euro also still unnecessarily high. At the same time, the operation, by subjecting the ECB for euro area governments, would have send a strong signal at the markets, pointing out who the real master of the game icing on the cake, operation would permit the launch of a major development plan Africa, priority and essential partner for Europe at any point of view, including ethics and history.

The choice of the ECB and European governments is exactly the opposite: to weigh the force on the states and therefore on individuals under the pretext of protecting the euro. All without ever register the transaction as part of a broader strategy ... Which may ultimately cause still a drop in European currency in more serious proportions.

On arrival, we may be losing on all fronts. Because the advantage is, once more in the camp market and rating agencies, however, largely responsible for the financial crisis.

And face it, European countries, as always egotistical, cowardly or blind.

What the euro tumbles or explode in flight, boarding ticket now well and truly banned, they will be like John Major before ...

Alexander Gerbi

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Taking A Hot Shower Before Waxing

OMNI landed in Paris! Ayiti

¡Noooo! Todavia no lo puedo Free!
was not won, but it worked: the OMNI will land (well, three of them, the fourth did not have permission to leave the island).

For Parisians who are curious about happenings in vivo and fruitful of crazy Omni - Zona Franca (I told you there ) they will be in Paris this week.
Three dates: The
Saturday, May 15 at 18h , the squat 59Rivoli (59 Rue Rivoli, 75001 Paris, metro Chatelet)
The Tuesday, May 18 at 20h , the Bab-Ilo (9 rue du Bather, 75018 Paris, Metro Jules Joffrin)
The Wednesday, May 19 at 19:30 at Fishing (16 rue Pépin, 93100 Montreuil, metro Mairie de Montreuil)
Enjoy it, I do not know when we have the chance to see them here! My Way
three nights. Our vemos.
As they say in the island, "is a bailar ¡ Gozar con la Sinfónica Nacional !

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Herpes On Lip Vs. Pimple

Greek Crisis: It must subject the European Central Bank

Crisis Greek

must secure

the European Central Bank


Alexander Gerbi


L th European constitutional treaty, rejected by the French people in 2004 and then passed in secret by Nicolas Sarkozy and his leftist allies in 2008, consisted of Many clauses unacceptable. In particular the independence of the European Central Bank (ECB). The Greek crisis confronts us with the absurdity of this principle, and its extreme danger.

The euro, until recently, ranged between 1.35 and 1.40 dollars, after having touched a high of $ 1.60 in 2008. Since the various adventures of the Greek crisis, it is only worth 1.26 dollars. Some are worried. Now knowing that eight years ago, the euro currency was introduced in the near parity with the dollar, and then it dropped to no longer argue that $ 0.86 in 2002, which is measured 'at current levels, the euro is quite healthy, despite his recent and still limited, unscrewing.

To help Greece, the European Union, or rather the euro area, particularly France and Germany but also Spain and especially Portugal, are invited to play donors. One way, which means clever, short-circuiting the small game "that the rating agencies. Solidarity touching, but strange when you know that Spain and Portugal are pretty bad, and threatened the very formidable degradation by rating agencies based on Wall Street, also the starting point of the global financial crisis ...

At this point, a question arises: at what level of emission of value without consideration (that is to say without treasury bonds in exchange, unlike the usual practice) it would cause the ECB devaluation of the euro comparable to the Greek crisis has caused so far, ten to twenty cents?

other words, if the ECB was not independent, Nicolas Sarkozy, Angela Merkel and their partners in the euro area could be ordered Jean-Claude Trichet tens and probably hundreds of billions of euros to start, without fear excessive devaluation of the euro market. This would mean that France, Germany and their partners in the euro area are committed to not only inject the money in the rescue of the Greek state, but also to launch major operations throughout Europe (eg in the construction of nuclear plants, wind farms at sea or giant solar panels in the Sahara), and most extensive political education and social development in the direction of Africa. With the goal, particularly in several countries supporting this pilot project, to educate the next ten years 100% of youth in conditions that until now, benefit only a small minority bourgeoisie. So, if the operation is successful, it could be extended to all African people so that they benefit as soon as possible, and in fact, the same standards as Europe in the fields of academics but also social. To help them to become, finally, state stable and solvent markets.

course this financial windfall, without compensation other than corporations, secured by the policy and permitted by the imposition of the ECB, should be used with the constant concern that every euro is injected creator of wealth or well-being and / or equipment, according to a carefully costed and respected. If money is strengthened by the issue provided by the ECB rather qu'amollie and ultimately dangerously devalued. No way to know the syndrome of Spain and torrents of money from America, a few centuries ago. For such is the pitfall, well known to economists, the use of "printing money" ...

European markets to stifle both globally and demographically overequipped low. They reached the point where the curves intersect the saturation, certainly relative market and slumping inherent in human birth rates European raging for decades. Africa, with its immense natural wealth and its great dynamism population offers the prospect of new markets. At the same time, the story of his release by Europe (as part of the alleged "colonization") and neo-colonialism, after centuries of withering against the Negro from slavery to colonialism through racism " scientific "fact merit aid to the continent exceptional in its scope and, if we dare say, for his mind. To finally hold the promise of universal civilization, nurtured in all facets of human genius, from the ancient wisdom to the modern Enlightenment.

Rupture of Europe with orthodoxy monetary liability by the ECB in the absolute political power, would, releasing vast resources confiscated so far, opening the way for a revolution which might be the largest in the history of humanity. By making a financial clout to European states that the singular behavior of international markets and rating agencies put U.S. bears at odds.

So do we prefer to let slip the euro, even if, ultimately, to see him dismantle and remove the pretext - what a paradox! - To preserve by scrupulous observance of principles and suicidal perfectly contestable? On the contrary, would it not be better to use now this wonderful tool called the euro, still largely preserved at the moment, to revive the European economy and develop the great natural partner of Europe is Africa? Economics and money should not they first be considered as instruments available to the policy in favor of well-being of the people?

But such approach would require courage and above all freedom of thought regarding of all dogmas. Qualities that have long been sorely lacking in the political staff of the old continent, and lead us to the grave ...

Alexander Gerbi