Approaching commemorations
the call of June 18, 1940
In Hitler
the release of Africans
the call of June 18, 1940
In Hitler
the release of Africans
Alexander Gerbi
L e de Gaulle and metropolitan politicians who organized the so-called "decolonization" had necessarily read Mein Kampf. " All French should read this book " warned the Marshal Lyautey.
"An African state on the soil of Europe"
Now we read in the book of Hitler, published in 1925-1926:
"(...) France is, and remains, the enemy we most to fear. This people, which falls more in blacks, is secretly in danger (...) the existence of the white race in Europe. For contamination caused by the influx of negro blood on the Rhine, in the heart of Europe, also responds well to the thirst for revenge and sadistic evil of this hereditary enemy of our people than cold calculation of the Jew, who sees a way to start the blending of the European continent at its center and, by infecting the white race with the blood of low humanity, laying the foundations of its own domination. The role that France, spurred by his thirst for revenge and systematically Guided by the Jews, now plays in Europe, is a sin against the existence of humanity white (...) [the] invasion [ of France ] by negroes made progress if faster than you can really talk about the birth of an African state on the soil of Europe. "
venom and burn
Hitler had good reason to spit his venom. At the time, in fact, according to a crescendo until the outbreak of the Second World War, the French official propaganda proudly proclaimed equality and races, if not applied it yet very imperfectly joined the action to the word, naming Minister of Negroes (Blaise Diagne) or vice-president of the National Assembly (Gratien Candace).
Twenty to thirty years later, many of analysis, strategies sometimes contradictory motives and presided over the decolonization. Among them, the fear of "bougnoulisation" of France (in the words, behind the scenes, Charles de Gaulle), and thus of Europe, held a prominent place.
The eviction of people in Africa "she replied, according to subways, anathema to the Führer? Substituting the European alliance to the alliance African instead of add, do we sacrificed to obscure demons?
De Gaulle explained to the Council of Ministers in 1962: "This Europe, although it will house one day. We have been talking about Julius Caesar, Charlemagne, Otto, Charles V, Louis XIV, Napoleon, Hitler. "
" France is no longer France "
At the same time, with the support or silent consent of its allies, usually completed the dismantling of all Franco-African. By choosing to offer Algeria the FLN as the best guarantee of a Franco-Algerian irreversible divorce.
behalf of a principle that the hermit of Colombey income business by a military coup and a program totally opposite, had stated at the Elysee Palace, in petto in 1959:
" Do not pay for words! That's great that there are French yellow, black French, French brown. They show that France is open to all races and has a universal vocation. But if they remain a small minority. Otherwise, France would no longer be France. We are still primarily a white European people, culture and Greek and Latin Christianity. "
Terrible legacy.
Alexander Gerbi