Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How To Get Cheats For Pokemon On The Gpsphone

Game Regular pipe under the Fiftieth anniversary of "independence" African

One example among many more ...


ordinary pipe under the Cinquantenaire

of "independence" African


Alexander Gerbi


Comic, sad or simply appalling: for each individual to judge ... On 15 July 2010, a seminar on decolonization, organized by ASEAF, held in Paris. What happened there was an example for most of the hundreds of high masses official bloom this year on the same subject, France, Africa and elsewhere on the blue planet ...

C e Thursday night in the Chamber of the Regional Council of Ile-de-France, held a symposium on African independence which This year we celebrate the Jubilee. For six hours, they heard the speakers on different modes decline the classical view of a hard-won independence by South Africa in 1960. Academics, ambassadors, students carefully selected for their ability to think in the nails were hammered as African independence were not granted the point, but pulled out by People eager for independence.

It is significant to note that these trifles, that hide in half a century the true motivations of independence but also and above all, to put Africa and its people fleeced, still hold up the pavement in the year 2010. And for good reason, the challenges of today are the same as yesterday: make maximum business ...

Unsurprisingly, Jacques Toubon and Olivier Stirn, officials of the French state had made the trip for sponsoring this yet another farce. They saw one another and to acquiesce About the speakers ...

After six hours of conference-way, finally came time for questions (in the meantime, all the bigwigs took to their heels). When the microphone came to me in my hands, I made substantially the following remarks:

"For fifty years, it is said, like you did today throughout the conference, that independence was torn by Africans. This lie can hide that independence, which everyone knows they were essentially fictitious, were actually imposed on Africa by the French state, to avoid the mixing of France and organize neocolonialism. At that time, Africans were active course for the total abolition of colonialism. However to achieve this, the overwhelming majority of them felt that the solution was not independence - for the colonial system did not have African territories frameworks necessary to assume independence - but the introduction political equality among all full citizens in the Republic. Indeed, African leaders knew that through democracy, exploitation colonialism in Africa could not continue. This is also for this reason that the metropolitan power denied them equal (Case of Gabon, October 1958), pushed them toward independence dummy (secret dealings of Charles de Gaulle with some African leaders, coupled with premium independence during the winter 1959-1960) and finally drive out to this end, African people's right to self at the cost of a quadruple violation of the Constitution (Act 60-525, May-June 1960 ). From there, neo-colonialism could unfold gradually, with efficiency is known. In this sense we can say that the 'decolonization' was perfectly successful, as it enabled to achieve one of its main objectives: the unfettered exploitation of Africa. Today, in perpetuating the lies of the Fifth Republic blanciste, speakers of the symposium have acted like good little soldiers they claim yet combat system. Moreover, I note that Drs. Toubon and Stirn, this morning, approved all your comments, while the Regional Council of Ile-de-France is responsible for logistics. But if your goal is, as you claim, finding the ways out Africa disaster, so why you relay-lies that allow the same disaster in decades? If the woes of the black continent you grieve as much as you claim, then why do not you say, finally, the truth? "

The room, made up largely of Africans, was widely applauded those comments. As for speakers, of course, they have been careful to respond. Subsequently, during the second round of questions, I had thought to raise the finger, who knows why, I succeeded in getting the word more ...

the fun out of this meeting, a gentleman of a certain age came to congratulate me. I asked him: "You cheered. Why? He replied: "Because what you say is the truth that everyone hides for fifty years." I asked him: "You attend a seminar where one says the opposite for six hours straight, you know that this is false, then why are you never spoke to you insurrection? He smiled and explained: "It's like that, everybody lies, so what do you want, you play the game, do as everyone else." A lady who overheard our conversation threw at me, eye Sparkling: "Sir, you are naive in politics, everyone lies, everyone knows! A few minutes later, another woman approached me and said: "I congratulate you for what you said, but I give you this advice: beware ..." Me wary of what? "I asked. "I tell you, beware," she replied, turning away with a big friendly smile on his lips ...

Finally, I take half an hour to talk to a guy and a girl aged from about twenty-five years. Unlike my other contacts, these young people are convinced that Africa has risen to independence. No argument seems to begin their peaceful beliefs. Fifty years of propaganda triumph in this joyful youth perfectly safe and fooled by him. When the old man who died will be clapping for me sometimes, the truth can finally be buried in good conscience. The disaster, a great lover of lies, has a bright future ...

is where we are in the year 2010. Men and women take cut historical enormities (enamel, moreover, enormous errors) for hours in front of tens, hundreds of people who know they are lying but does not budge. A mixture of mind herding, fear and, for some, for the sake of career and money. For challenging the doxa and French international has as many dangers as blandly used can be very lucrative. Africa and France, though they were to die.

But after all, big money, power and honor, is not it more important?

Alexander Gerbi

Monday, July 12, 2010

How Tonmake Some Onr Fall Asleep

Parade-July 14: Stop the hypocrisy

While the crisis is growing

Parade 14-July:

Stop the hypocrisy


Alexander Gerbi


L e July 14, 2010, as part of the Jubilee of the alleged "independence" African state sarkozyen, heir to the Fifth Republic blanciste, urged his vassals African scrolling Champs-Elysees. Good. For good, he would have African troops march every year. Not only because it is essentially African Army which allowed France to participate in its own liberation in 1945, and thus appear in the camp of the victors. But also because France and its former territories in Africa have never ceased to form a political and economic dare not speak its name. This last idea makes sense as it is hard to understand ... In a

previous article, we saw that all French-African policy remains today, an unofficial but very real reality. It is of course the interests of certain elites in France and in Africa, to conceal or deny Obviously.

For the African mainland France and its dependencies were not officially separated as to better enable the exploitation of the latter, in a perfectly egalitarian but whose people suffers some elites enjoy thoroughly.

Everyone knows that African independence have always been essentially deficit. Better yet, initially and basically unwanted by the majority of Africans, they were imposed by the Gaullist state for sordid motives relating to money, civilization, religion and race.

Subsequently, after the "independence" under the watchful eye of the Elysee Palace and its door-gun, African elites and their metropolitan areas continued to make small business, often by agreeing very well between champagne, caviar and a ladle car luxury. So much so that fifty years later, in 2010, we come to this absurd situation: a group of Franco-African elites who shared (because African elites have never been Frenchified, they live with one foot on each continent, often have dual nationality, and a maximum benefit of French gold American way of life ) working and live together, but explain to people, with trembling voice and a rare inconsistency arguments, they must be separated

... We see this separation Franco-African official accompanied by one officer was designed to allow neo-colonialism. But the neo destroyed Africa and lowers France for five decades, causing havoc out that Africa and France dramatically damaged and disfigured neurotic or self-destructive. Logic would conclude that the solution to the problems of Africa and France through reunification Franco-African, as was once the separation imposed by a leader become a traitor to the Republic and its most fundamental principles.

Now the contrary, the "independence" are constantly exalted and the official history of decolonization, the alleged uprising of peoples for independence is constantly told to disregard the historical reality. It prefers to hide that Africa required the end of colonialism by establishing political equality ... which was refused by the Parisian authorities. But this, of course, everyone prefers to be silent, as he pretends not to know that the Franco-African unity is a reality ...

For if we decided to get out of this hypocritical and pernicious, if we formalized the Franco-African unity by giving all people of all Franco-African the same rights and duties, neo-colonialism would be quickly countered by the grace of democracy and the republic. Under these conditions, while France, renewing his part African, finally assume otherwise than words identity Franco-African, Africa, reviving its part French, but she never lost some want to confiscate, assume its Franco-African identity. Thus the entire Franco-African, in slaying the demon blanciste and finally applying the principles of the Republic, would experience a powerful healing and a rapid economic and social development.

Under these conditions, of course, neo-colonialist exploitation that exists in Africa for a long time would be drastically curtailed. And interweaving of all Franco-African (or African-European, because it Eurafrica is in sight), in a secular and egalitarian, that is to say overtaking racial issues , present itself to the populations of Africa and France. In other words, the cornerstones of the ideology and rhetoric of the Fifth Republic blanciste and its international allies would find themselves suddenly put on the ground, along with its profit ...

Understandably, there, that those who govern us, north and south of the Mediterranean, and their media relays and intellectuals, have interest in playing the card of division. And to advocate more than ever, in the guise of friendship and Parade 14-July, the political separation of African and French populations, to better pursue their operation as decades or centuries (as slavery, colonialism, independence and its corollary neocolonialism imposed compose a clear historical continuum of exploitation and contempt, which has not spared the European masses).

The same caller for the same means, it not surprising that the Franco-African false story that spreads the Fifth Republic blanciste to justify and hide the real causes of dropping Africa 1958-1962, continues to dominate political discourse today. It is not surprising either that General de Gaulle strategist and author of this imposture in French, more than ever glorified.

It is not surprising either that Toubon Commission, appointed by Nicolas Sarkozy to hold the celebrations of the Cinquantenaire, lends no support to those who dare to think out of nails. In particular, Novation Club Franco-African who is working with its modest means, to spread the hidden history of the pseudo-colonization years.

Alexander Gerbi

Sunday, July 4, 2010

How To Say Condolences In Arabic

Video: De Gaulle / Decolonization

De Gaulle / Decolonization

An interview with Alexander Gerbi
per Raphaƫl Tribeca

Hotel Lancaster, Paris, October 2006

N ll repeat the last few months in the corridors of power, political parties, media in France and in Africa, no one knows nor deny at this hour, it is the French state used to drop Africa fifty years ago, for reasons and in ways infamous particularly devious criminals.

Truth, huge and dramatic, is about to triumph by force of circumstance. That is to say, to be revealed, after fifty years of lies, neo-colonialism, of gluttony and disasters that have destroyed, in ways reversed, Africa and France.

We know how, for fifty years, just out of colonialism, Africa was ravaged by blows to political manipulation, murder, skullduggery in every sense of the infinite background contempt for the African people. Gold

force last (five decades in total), the great delusion has also plagued France in producing a society undermined by its own contradictions, the state and its ramifications worked to hide by manipulating and lying to French and Africans. Goal: divide and confront them in order to better take advantage of them while posing as the Holy Inquisition of the Anti-Racism. The State blanciste transvestite herald fanatic anti-racism, what audacity, and what game the sorcerer's apprentice!

After the process, the company-fed misconceptions and pushed by all means to thirst revenge, threatening to explode in the face of the French State and the System, in a broad collapse of the country sees everyone get as big as a mountain. Especially since the collapse has begun, our eyes, for many years.

This interview of October 2006. Nearly four years later, the huge scandal that begat the Fifth Republic and fashioned blanciste remains. It is still taboo to suggest that the regime of the Fifth Republic was founded on lies (with a capital letter), then proceeded to the betrayal of the people of Africa, France, and finally the Republic. All this, understandably, remains the subject of much tensions.

So to drown the fish, while everyone in high places, knows what crimes Charles de Gaulle and his friends are guilty from 1958, the cult of General has never been caricatured and even paroxysmal. So much so that the Town Hall (Socialist!) In Paris, under the guise of celebrating the 70th anniversary of the June 18 appeal, could afford to see a giant portrait of Charles de Gaulle on the facade of the hotel city, while all the French media were singing in chorus, in June 2010, in defiance of all shades, the praises of the great man. Not without some obscenity, while you're supposed celebrate the fiftieth year of the alleged "independence" African ...

In a few months in some years, when will officially revealed and known to all immeasurable crimes and betrayals supreme Charles de Gaulle and its allies between 1958 and 1962, like insulting the Republic and democracy, the Africa and France, the spirit of 1789 and the Revolution will not be possible.

And our time is, undoubtedly, very severely judged.

Alexander Gerbi

Thursday, July 1, 2010

How To Make An Otf Knife

1960 or the neutralization of political thought negro

After the disaster of the Blues ...

"1960" or

Neutralization of political thought negro


Alexander Gerbi


A spect underrated Franco-African history, with the alleged "decolonization" and the release of sub-Saharan populations, it is the negro who was political thought country and ultimately neutralized.

Negritude and otherness

the 1920s, through men such as Blaise Diagne and Lamine Maran Senghor, and later, thanks to huge figures, such as LS Senghor, Aime Cesaire and Alioune Diop, the political thought was characterized by his negro revolt not only against the racism and contempt for the black race but also against all slavery and against all crimes, whatever the color of the victim and the executioner.

behalf of human greatness, Negritude affirmed the need to build a modern world rid of all tyrannies political, religious or superstitious. A world that would necessarily be fed, to build up the wealth and glory, with all the flesh of the world and civilizations. Each civilization bringing his genius to the universal development, while abandoning its defects through the encounter of otherness, a serene balance between the fiery consciousness of his strength but also a demanding clarity about its weaknesses.

For those who know the mistakes and failings on deleterious, at the same time, in many political speeches, especially Western Europe, similar height to mesmerize ... can

In the years 1945-1958 in France, the current major and visionary thinking in line with the vanguard of the French anthropological school (including Claude Levi-Strauss), could access the controls. It was enough for it to accomplish a milestone claimed consistently and relentlessly by the quasi-totality of African political and ultramarine: political equality.

Such a reform would have allowed the African representatives, supported and strengthened by the votes of tens of millions of citizens overseas to defend the overseas populations, particularly vulnerable to emerge from colonialism. But they would also have to wear to the top of the state not only their conceptions of the black man, but the man at all, in a world so stupid. It was also partly the case under the Fourth Republic: Between 1945 and 1958, where Africans had the most influence, namely sub-Saharan Africa (AOF and AEF), progress in terms of economic development, social , and democratic spirit, in short, the abolition of colonialism, were dramatic and undeniable. Kwame Nkrumah himself, who was visiting the Ivory Coast in 1957, marveled at it.

The "Republic of" 58

It was there, when in 1958, profiting from the crisis caused by the atrocious war in Algeria, consequence of the policy provided that infamous disaster of the Fourth Republic, Charles de Gaulle was a military coup.

The former head of Free France accused the "System", by its refusal to recognize all his children equal to betray the " vocation" of France. On this complaint, he seized power by promising at all, "[in Algeria] and elsewhere," the full political equality (Address of Algiers and Mostaganem, 4 and 6 June 1958). Crowned with the prestige, claiming the breath of history, the most illustrious of the French asserted decided to realize the great fraternal project championed by Africans for decades!

Exalting the Franco-African brotherhood crowds cheering, de Gaulle promised to complete the integration process outlined egalitarian but ultimately rejected by the previous regime. This revolution will result in the attainment of Africans to the highest positions in the administration and the French state, became ipso facto Franco-African. In a trend that the Fourth Republic in the wake of the Third, had already sketched out, under pressure from Democratic Franco-African populations, combined with the strength of the legacy of 1789. Remember that under these regimes, Africans and West Indians were MPs, ministers, vice presidents of the National Assembly or Senate President ...

In the "Republic of 58, Charles de Gaulle came to power by Army and soon triumphantly confirmed by the people after decades of struggle, hesitation and palaver, a vast former process was nearing its fulfillment. The more conservative the encysted was ordered to make the people speak, who was willing to do precisely this grandiose molt : September 28, referendum on the new constitution was overwhelmingly approved by over 80% of YES. Could finally accomplished the transformation of France and its empire into a vast French-African Republic fraternal, egalitarian and social universal. In these extraordinary days of 1958, by the word of Charles de Gaulle acre reluctance succumbed, while triumphant political thought negro mingled with that of Claude Levi-Strauss ...

This project, true soul of the world which was destroyed along with the great theorists were ousted political Franco-African 1950s. Today's world, obsessed with race, won by obscurantism and superstition crippled, stuck in underdevelopment or crass opulence, is the appalling result of their defeat. In this world sadly lacking so full of dreams and nightmares, will we substitute another, built in memory of these beautiful losers?

This would reveal his terrible reality in Franco-African divorce, which occurred between 1958 and 1962.

Annihilation of the "Republic of 58"

Charles de Gaulle, Maurrassian notorious roots Barres, thought the exact opposite of what he promised and announced in a loud voice to get back to business, that is to say, to benefit from the support of the people in mainland France as in Africa, and the support of the Army. Once in control, he gradually incurva his speech and methodically destroyed the Franco-African unity. At the cost of continuing duplicity and very serious transgressions, in a kind of triptych of hell: the Case of Gabon in 1958, Act 60-525 in 1960, the Tragedy of Harker in 1962. To avoid, according to his confidence, "the bougnoulisation" and the Islamization of France, and still more confidentially, to organize neocolonialism. Against the backdrop of intrigue around the world (USA, USSR, Arab League, the Vatican, UN, etc..) Calculations and bitter draped virtues, the great Franco-African dream (or Euro-African) clashed with dark Torves views of the Parisian elite, and Western Europe.

Thereafter, this massive scandal was hidden Loved travesties of history, threats and curses. With more efficiently than the consensus was virtually global, since everyone and all parties had been involved in the operation. North and south of the Mediterranean and on all continents, the exaltation of the figure of General, presented as a great beacon coupled with a holy man, allowed a timely and massive retraction. In France, over the decades, the statue of swelled up excess, according to a crescendo that grew louder as the scandal unfolds in the corridors of power and knowledge.

Point in this month of June 2010, under the pretext of the 70th anniversary of the Appeal of 18 June 1940, Charles de Gaulle was glorified ad nauseam . So we're supposed to celebrate this year's tragic and monstrous Jubilee of Independence Africa which was the main architect, if not the brain ...

Today, after the hell fire fifty years ago, France broke up, like its national soccer team on African soil infested by the mad project of the Fifth Republic blanciste, born of the denial of what it claimed to be able to be born. By destroying the "Republic of 58, de Gaulle and his allies rested not only impostors. They also destroyed "some idea" of France, making it the biggest gravedigger of its ideals, its highest principles and ogress of countless children overseas. Is it any wonder that today many of their descendants hold it for an enemy, sometimes up to hate her? While the whole country turns into madness, crippled by remorse and guilt shameful racial, yet are those of the state, not its scapegoat, the people ...

Is it permissible to regret that 'in 2010, this tragic anniversary year of great anguish, betrayal and crime, it was not more moderate in Paris, his ardor hagiographic against the General? Would it

incongruous to expect that future politicians, both right and left intellectuals, the press and the French media continue to glorify boundless Charles de Gaulle, at the option of a grotesque and obscene especially sputum the face of so many Africans, Metropolitan and Ultramarine, like some Blues probably have so much harm to France?

Alexander Gerbi