Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Why Men Look At Womens Chest

After having written and directed a short fiction film for my graduation year 2004-05, I strongly felt the need to shoot another movie.
In the beginning there was talk of a documentary film on women artists in Lausanne and especially singers. On the very masculine world of music around them, the spaces available to them to exercise their art and life-night work they undertake.

I started my investigations in musical circles that I knew and I met a professional singer who has switched the focus of my project with him, apparently a blurring of gender.
Without stopping my investigations and my meetings, I took notes. Summary notes sometimes descriptive of real situations that I would later develop and use in my film. Gradually, a new writing took place, hybrid thereof and the thread of a story of characters began to take shape in my imagination with the appearance of a fiction inspired by the real.

I realized at the end of my writing in which I consciously organized moments "free", that is to say not very much written, the film that I would undertake a documentary and fiction together. A sweet mixture that delighted me and I had a passion to make this fun "documentary fiction" which today is at the heart of the construction of my identity as a filmmaker. In any case, it is the foundation of my current thinking.

After filming "Passion simple," a reflection on my new film inhabited me for the first time. To the question that was asked about what led this project, the essence of this writing and the real interest in, another concise and direct question: "How far my curiosity of others is she gone? .

When I brought this curiosity beyond a lived or experienced staff (which is often inherent in the documentary in its basic definition), has made a significant shift in the understanding and usefulness of the film to me. Perhaps is there was an evolution of about therapy, personal and particular to a more general about universal, but without one precludes the other, although they remain inseparable. It is especially not to get yourself in the middle of writing or not only.


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