Just for fun, to share the fantasy and joy of the Omni , their friendship and generous talent for improvising every moment, these short videos filmed on the anniversary of Nilo, a Members of the group in spring 2007. We had found between the apartment blocks of Alamar, on a piece of waste ground between rows of garages. There were banana, a pot full of simmering caldos in a corner, a few boards as a bench, a long thread to get a little electricity, music, the starry sky above. David sang and rapped (a song dedicated to Alamar, another below, Amor as a provocation against intolerance), Amaury had danced, joyous and exuberant as usual, we had eaten a cake azul kitsch we had to share it 20 a bottle of rum I guess.
Earlier this month, the Omni were evicted from their studio, a bare room with a kiln, a painted concrete floor, and drawings everywhere. The room was part of the Culture House of Alamar (al lado del doce plantas "next to the building of 12 floors, that's how we gave the address - street names lost long). past fifteen years, they worked , created " performance, keeping the institutional linkage, both inside and outside, with a contagious energy and inventiveness. Originally of expulsion, the stigma of their links with Yoani , they have known for several years, and with whom they share a concern for participation and expression for all. Its possible presence in their festival upset, obviously.
To gain understanding, Vice Minister of Culture Fernando Rojas, has warned: "If Yoani comes, I will give myself shots latte." Very elegant for a minister, striking summary of the high-flying political debate in Cuba ( here, a small example of Teke de Rojas, history to better understand who are the revolutionaries and reactionaries who are, in Cuba for years zero).
I remember once found in an impromptu party at the gentleman Rojas. It was in Nuevo Vedado neighborhood of senior officials, across from Carlos Lage, vice-president since fallen. At the end of a peña, I had been dragged by some friends who were also friends of Reinaldo and Yoani precisely artists, trovadores, etc..
Sometimes friends of friends of my friends are not my friends ...
comfortable house, drinks in abundance, laughter, jokes about Castro (we're talking about a vice-minister): perfect illustration of the double standard that undermines Cuba. And to protect this situation, comfort cynical, a man can not find it abnormal that a woman will hit because she writes a blog (also beaten by plainclothes cops a few weeks earlier).
Not to contradict, not invite him to debate. No, no, strike, simply.
Acto repudio cons of Reinaldo Escobar, 20 November 2009. Photo: Sven Creutzmann / Mambo
last night in a deserted street, assaulted by three guys who wanted to steal my bag. They dragged me to the ground, beaten, threatened me "plant" with a knife that I have not seen. They finally fled without the bag, I do not let go despite their kicks. sudden irruption of violence is the first time it hit me. I was afraid, afraid physically, I felt weak, I did not know how it would end. At the same time, I thought it was unjust, unfair , I do not want these three guys who were bent on the ground against a girl to win anything, and I resisted. short, nothing serious eventually, but a diffuse sense of insecurity and persistent, distressing impression that the street is a rather threatening. However, I went to the police complaint, an officer listened to me, took my statement and I am left with the comforting illusion that even the guilty would be punished if they were caught. And soon I'll get my usual confidence. This outburst of fear, and that comfort of being defended by laws, remind me to violence and actos de repudio which follow diligently the last few weeks in Cuba - in front of Vladimiro Roca, cons Yoani then cons Reinaldo in downtown against the Ladies in White before yesterday, the Omni cons who write that they were dislodged yesterday their workshop by rapid response brigades. Or last May against writer Angel Santiesteban, who has two broken arms in the street dealing with cons-revolutionary. There is no loss of life, it's true, there are no weapons that circulate in these heinous custom events, but there is the essential detail that this violence with impunity. For those who are victims of physical fear, instinctive, is all the stronger they know they are helpless, out of state protection. Worse: the intimidation is part of the state policy *. Imagine for a moment whether you the target of this policy, you who say, keep a blog where you criticize what you feel is objectionable and that, whenever you leave home you may be suddenly surrounded by people screaming and furious, ready to strike you without qualms and without consequences. You hit you, not someone else, not by chance. And all these people who attack you without knowing you, you can not even consider the reasoning: the more they will be aggressive, the better for them, they are just for that. Limits are surely set somewhere, but you do not know - you just know that you have no possible shelter. This perspective permeates agonizing your days and nights, it does not happen naturally, not every day, but it is latent. And you, the target of attacks, stay alone with the certainty of your vulnerability, indefenso , every minute. Unabated. So yes, seen from afar and from above, it just seems wrong direction which is repeated more or less predictable. But there, amid the fray, the fear must be all-consuming. It is against this fear that is also measured by the determination to speak, when it is so simple to be quiet.
* Fidel Castro's speech July 26, 2005: "Envalentonados por la aparente impunidad sus aventuras, el pasado viernes 22 de julio, cuando todo effort is focused on rebuilding the country, the "defenders of civil society," encouraged by the U.S. Interests Section and greatly encouraged by the flights and broadcasts almost daily military aircraft and subversive messages, coupled with belief spread by the Miami mob that they were on the bags to an imminent collapse of the revolution, were encouraged to implement a new challenge, but this time the people, indignant over such barefaced acts of treason, intervened with patriotic fervor and not allowed to move to a single mercenary (Applause). And so will many times as necessary (Applause) as traitors and mercenaries exceed one millimeter beyond what the revolutionary people, whose fate, whose lives are at stake against the voracious empire, most inhuman and bloody history, is willing to allow. "
tellement du mal à écrire je suis de ce qui déprimée is passe dans l ' île. Rally repudiation, Manipulations poisseuses, opportunismes et lâchetés, the island and outside. One day a friend told me the story of the little pigs reared under a sink in an apartment in Havana - one of those piglets whose vocal cords are cut so they do not make noise during the few months where they are fattened at home. The apartments are small, housing is a recurring problem. In short, he had been placed under a sink, so it does not bother too much. He had grown up, grown without ever leaving his corner, unable to move. Christmas arrives, its time has come, vaya a lechon para Navidad ! is the fate to kill and eat. And there, disgusting vision: the animal had the spine twisted the plug from the sink, his body had grown up around, deformed, a large hole in the middle of the back. Animal denatured monstrously adapted to its conditions.
I sometimes feel that the Cubans are thus deformed inside. At first glance, it is not noticeable. They adapt to the conditions within which they live and grow, and grow crooked, bifid. For many, the words are hollow, do not make sense, the commitments are worthless, they abdicate any form of personal responsibility. And when asked to come and participate in the spoils against people they do not know, to play their role in disaster simulation which also encloses general, they obey like robots, total : if no one is responsible nothing chico, and if everybody is rotten. Almost a fun finally. Not to mention the advantages and underground in the accounts of petty ideological merit (a telephone line, an authorization for a scholarship abroad, a little power ... the range is wide when everything is in receivership).
Two weeks ago, while Yoani was leaving to join a demonstration unpublished organized by Omni among other things, she was abducted in a car by segurosos , hit and threatened. One of the guys in civilian clothes, was identified as "Officer Rodney , photo support. Reinaldo's husband Yoani, then publicly made an appointment to the famous Rodney, he comes to explain this sadistic violence against a woman, the bear in person. The rendezvous was fixed at the corner of G and 23 on Friday night. And then, surprise: a festival of youth out of the hat authorities, same time, same place, announced the day before the news. And "the people" gathered for the occasion, so attentive, so spontaneous , immediately recognized (but how?) The "mercenaries" who were standing there, and launched one of these acto de repudio which Cuba has sad paternity. Well, that's how it works. There are handling and acceptance of handling, and the assembly is to vomit. And above that, in this environment venomous, jealousy, pettiness, the divisions that do not even have to be handled, human nature being what it is.
Last Sunday, Juanes on the Place de la Revolution in Havana, mega-concert three blocks from my old home! Damn! I can not remember the number of times I called La camisa negra and A dios pido the festivities in Cuba, I am a big fan, I loved being there, let's be clear.
Yet, looking at the pictures, I feel like a show full of good intentions and emotions a bit forced. Almost a misunderstanding. As this excerpt where Juanes and Miguel Bosé sing " an island called freedom": they have facial expressions full of suffering, the situation is serious, talking about Cuba, "listen to the words" recommends Bosé who wrote ten years ago while returning from Cuba just ... except that it's still a Cuba seen by foreigners, cliche-cuba, cuba-flag, cuba-I-tell-your-name- but-I-speak-of-me-in-fact.
Let us be clear, I am sure that Cubans were delighted with the concert. But the island of good feelings "sympathizers" fall often flat, and there is a discrepancy between what they believe and what mean the Cubans button.
I imagine for a moment what would have been a chorus on this site you Lucha yuca Ray Fernandez, or Aldeanos welcoming everyday heroes who are not those is believed, or Decadencia has to arise, or even The Yabo of Felpa azul , Clan 537, which refers to police abuse (not to mention the Comandante Porno Para Ricardo).
only spark of second degree on the scene Sunday, involuntary demand Juanes apparently Silvio Rodriguez Ojalá sung, beautiful love song for everyone, except for Cubans who see a veiled message (to Fidel? to Papito Serguera? " P ourvu a flash make you suddenly disappear, never to see you both, just to see you always, every second, every vision ... ").
PS: on Penúltimos Días, the text of the exchange between Juanes, Bosé and Cuban officials, a few hours of the concert, where the two singers are threatening to drop everything. Apparently, they come to realize they were monitored, and are shocked. "Why they humiliate us like this? Why do they abuse us like that? " moaned Miguel Bosé. It is surprising that their astonishment: Juanes is it so naive that he did not imagine it would be tracked, that all his travels, his encounters, his remarks would be carefully recorded ? He believed himself protected by his "good intentions" when it is contrary to the G2 deploys more zeal in finding loopholes that may later prove useful?
A friend told me one morning commute, a few years ago, in one of these Camellos now missing: the M4 - the green salad, which was across southern Havana - arrives as a full egg. He managed to climb narrowly on the entrance stairs, clinging to the side bars.
Before him, a woman, to chest more than generous, " violent," he said. It is up the stairs, facing him, his two children by his side.
But then the doors shut suddenly behind this friend, and he finds himself projected nose in the breasts of the woman, literally. Confused, he looks up to explain that it is not voluntary, he did not do it on purpose. The woman reassures him with indifference: "No te worried about this, no pasa nada ... " she said ( " Do not worry, it's nothing ). And the path goes between the breasts of imposing this neighbor, not moving, turn the head to emerge. Around them, the other passengers as kids, " dándome chucho " chaining joke, joke, for over half an hour.
They celebrate all the past ten years since their entry to the ISA, the art school located in the former Country Club of Havana. Some players have become known, others have a succes d'estime, others grope again, the vagaries of the road. They are some twenty girls, boys, some babies too. Most came alone, some have brought their novios, who do not know where to go too much intimacy between the generation-ISA is strong.
The old photo albums out there. On the table, three bottles of rum, two of cream of life, a whiskey powder. After a few hours descarga and reunion, everyone sits around a laptop, on which a girl is reading aloud the letters-mails sent by those far away - and they are numerous. All this talk of separation, one feels the dawn Gorrión.
Some point their memories of youth, when they were not 20 years, and began studying theater at the ISA. Many anecdotes, a bit of hysteria, a girl wrote from London, and adds "jejejeje" at each end of sentence. In the lounge, everyone laughs wildly. A teacher writes to them from Yuma, where she now lives. She speaks of separation "espantosas" with half of his generation and three-quarters of his family, at other times, and appreciates the mail that allows him to write them. She tells how this promotion, "with eyes wide open," has given him a taste (the teaching ? the theater?). Another wrote that they miss him, and she has to masturbate while thinking of them, "I can not remember the image that came to the moment of orgasm, but I know you all were there. " And they howl with laughter by making big eyes, they speak of orgy, Sensorama, "Ladies and gentlemen, those who need a small bathroom can go to the lavatory, it also accepts children, why not an animal company ... "jejeje.
And the celebration continues with more laughter, more dancing, late into the night.
In parqueo bike Línea y Paseo, a man, forties, staring, greets me by giving me the blessing of the Caridad del Cobre. I think a Piropo new, but the guy insists, told me to take care of myself, to pay attention to an upcoming trip, tells me of a woman trigueña close to me wishing that I have an accident, wonder what month I was born, told me to pay attention to bike, wonder if I had more than two novios in my life, I wonder if the stability in love, how old I am , do I have children, he will m'offir something, is that I my period right now, give me your right hand, I slip a seed in hand, it is my bike, I have to attach a small bag with black and red on the handlebars of my bike, and tighten when strong things go wrong, what I have around the neck, give me what you want in exchange. As I told him I did give him anything, I resumed the seed and walks away, annoyed.
We went to Holguin for Romerías May. For a few days, the eastern town becomes a big party all night concerts every street corner, a treat that changes the gloom of Havana by night. Crossing the island had been long, but the car was kept. On the way, we had crossed a chameleon Jagüey side, we had walked through the magnificent bridge of Sancti Spiritus, it had exceeded Ciego de Avila almost without realizing it, we had bought casabe market Camagüey and then finally we arrived at the very end, in Holguín, the "city parks" in the terminology National (each city has its nickname, Matanzas, the city of bridges, Baracoa, the first city, Cienfuegos, "ah, a very clean city ", say the Cubans unanimously). short, therefore, Holguin, on the road along the baseball stadium, just outside of downtown, we saw this:
" Perekhod " in Russian, it means crossing, underground corridor. Moscow is full, it can move under the huge avenues of the Russian capital, especially in winter, when snow and ice sidewalks that the brakes of the cars are random. It is safer than attempting the crossing surface. This is very useful, what. But here in Holguín, how to say ... Snow is uncommon, and in which slips carretera this monumental perekhod measures approximately five meters wide. The two ramps at the corridor on each side of the road is longer than the voyage itself: y eso? And these gilding, the Cyrillic alphabet, these light globes ... I have brought a picture to my friends' warm water (half Cuban, half Russian), who laughed in Havana. But it remains a mystery: we still do not know how this perekhod landed in Holguin. There must be a reason, but which one?
The problem when you're a friend of Gorky, is that you always feared to hear of his arrest. That is what arrived yesterday. He was arrested with two members of his group, Porno para Ricardo . This time they were released soon after - but that, of course, you never know in advance. was already happened last summer: one evening in late August, blogs and foreign media had reported his detention. He would be tried for dangerous pre-delicti. Seen from France, it sounded like a sentence already achieved ...
The first time I met Gorky, was at a party from a friend in a ground floor close to Centro Habana. There was more talking in the kitchen, under the wan light of a neon, standing next to a sink that was leaking.
was pretty surreal, one of the guests was part of the Hermanos Saiz Association, and spoke of the "alternative position" of the organization official. Gorky was rather taciturn, not very interested in such talk. He was released a few months ago, after two years in prison . His name was telling me something (and what a name ...), but I never heard anything his band, Porno para Ricardo (besides the question Ricardo was there too: I think he finished the evening with ethyl sleep, stunned by the Guayabita) . Over the years, I saw Gorky repeatedly organized happenings in people's homes and at parties at his job - a silkscreen studio behind the Place de la Revolution. Everywhere he dragged his nonchalance, his elegance just dandy, and its "entirety", a strange mixture of gravity and extravagance. His laugh, mocking glare, surprising. Stubborn, moody, funny. As they could no longer be together, not having access to a scene, I went to hear the band in the apartment where Gorky lived with his father, an old Communist disoriented by his son. At the entrance, a room almost empty, a battered sofa, chair, tile cost of the tropics. In the back room, the walls lined with egg cartons to cushion the noise. That's where they repeat.
(Photo by Johannes Frandsen )
That day, Ciro (the other founding member group) sang "Do not you cry tonight," pronouncing the words in Cuban ( dono yo criiii Toniii ) - the salt of its takeover syrupy. Then he had laughed when I told him I did not know the original song. I am wrong audience, I never really listened to rock, much less hard rock. For cons, the musical eclecticism of Ciro and Gorky surprised me. I remember discussions with Ciro where he spoke of songs of Brassens, whom he knew from Vissotksy, great Russian bard, or Silvio Rodriguez, the rebel trovador become a member of the Popular Assembly ... was rather unexpected for a punk libertarian in Cuba. I had a car, they asked me one day to take them to a hard rock festival in the provinces, where they hoped to take to the stage. They were overjoyed at the prospect of playing again before an audience (arrived after the detention of Gorky, bassist and drummer Hever Renay had never played on stage with Porno ) . But the festival had been canceled at the last minute. The amazing thing was to believe. It remains a mystery to me understand where they are not only energy to continue, but even just do not get mad. Living amid relentless surveillance (neighbors, acquaintances, authorities) to be caught in a net of paranoia, see friends move away, out of fear, pressure ... When I spoke to Gorky, he shrugged his shoulders. There comes a time when the election is over anyway. In a recent interview, he spoke just briefly loneliness that he always felt around Porno .
But really, why the animosity against them by the authorities? Because they do not comply. Because they refuse to play the game like everyone else. Initially, this was causing a punk, mocking all. Intolerable. Two years later in prison for Gorky, a group that uses more metaphors, and that is something unheard of in Cuba. Really. He must have seen the physical reactions of people who listened for the first time the song El Comandante at the very beginning when she was traveling in late 2006 in a version sung by Ciro ... They pushed the boundaries further, for everyone. But they must be heavy, these limits, when to push them alone ... Exactly, they are no longer quite alone "dar la cara". I do not know if it changes much everyday, but in case of blow, a feeling of vulnerability should be less oppressive. Last summer, at the time of his arrest, mobilization conducted in Cuba by Yoani , between other, and relayed to abroad, had resulted in quite unexpectedly a few days after his release prevention, with a mere fine for civil disobedience. With a sense of detail, Gorky had paid the MN 600 pesos (about 25 euros) in parts of five centavos, or 12 000 pieces - and several hours to recount the cash. Apparently, the account was there.
On their website more details on the group's history, and some videos on the first page. I think you can also buy their albums, the last Rojo (desteñido) .
And on Youtube, you can find some videos, which shows the evolution of a group provocative and decon ...
El Cake
... to a radicalization of their songs, the most famous being the one dedicated to Comandante in 2007. As summarized by the title of one of their recent songs, "ego, politics, not interest her, she is interested in me" :
A mí no me gusta la politica (here with Los Aldeanos)
See also the site of the Babosa azul , a larger group unplugged where Ciro takes a few songs of Vissotsky .
was the day a great walk, one of firsts for me. This should be early May, 2004. Within three days, authorities have decreed that a million people would walk down the Malecon. Así of sencillo. I've got a front row seat as the casa particular where I live at this time overlooking a street used as parqueo. In front of my window all night, I hear the bus coming to the pitch, filled, are parked one behind the other, and invade the neighborhood.
is even a little scary to see those who clog the streets one after another, unbroken lines of buses of all kinds, ceaseless noise. Overnight. On the Malecon, from 7am, nonsensical posters filled with swastikas, a few years kids screaming into microphones that imperialism does not happen, and a crowd rushing to march, obedience to conviction A small flag paper by hand. Printing disheartening to have to face yourself with people who have given food for thought, which submitted their ability to judge, question, responsibility to others later. This short morning (walking itself ends at about eleven o'clock in the morning, and presto, everyone at home to enjoy the holiday improvised) depresses me: And seeing the mobilization mechanisms, and what they imply abdication, docility leaves a bitter taste, which has little to do with the image of an impressive crowd-river view of helicopter who comes and goes on television all day.
In late afternoon, friends call me. They invite me to join them at a peña, a concert in "El hueco" (the hole), a small open-air amphitheater at the corner of G to 19 (or 21, I doubt). "It's a trovador, a type owl, you'll see . On the way, I remember the flamboyant covered with flowers, I collect a few, delicate, bright orange, a makeover. On site, the place is amazing, charming, a sort of large hole below the streets, sheltered by giant ficus. All tiers concrete filled, and settles on the small stage a bearded man, round, smiling, in his fifties. Pedro Luis Ferrer.
As for me, I am at 4 th rank toward the middle, jajaja ...)
He starts talking, joking, telling stories to small entities malicious, talks about the morning walk with humor and detachment. I'm flabbergasted. It feels so good, a bit of second degree is like a breath of fresh air, a gap in a setting that would monopolize the entire space. Then he sang a few songs again in chorus by the audience. Her voice is beautiful, powerful. Bystanders watching from the street. There is a joyous atmosphere, free. It's been a few weeks I'm here, and for the first time I feel a kind of spontaneity in public. " Ciento cubano por Ciento , and the public rejoiced.
At the end of the concert, my friends drag me with them, continue the party at Pedro Luís, they know. Late into the night on his porch, several trovadores improvise, there's always this lightness in the air, a chispa makes a good crazy. Peña de Pedro Luis, to be monthly, was suspended after the second number only. He then gave a few concerts at La Casona, in peña organized by actor Renecito de la Cruz on Sunday night - before it fell victim to its success and more or less closed. In the years that followed, I often reviewed Pedro Luís, I spent a beautiful afternoon asado in his house full of friends, singing, children, until he eventually leave at half move to Spain and return a few months here and there. One of my last nights in Cuba, I had the chance to see him in the Great Hall of the Amadeo Roldan. It was packed, even if the concert had not been announced publicly. When he came, he took his guitar in hand, moved, looked at the public slowly, smiling: "It's nice , it's been long time since we had not seen "
Everyone applauded, and later, the whole world held its breath when he began to sing the song of Paco abuelo at the end of the concert: " Grandfather built this house, and while we all lived with the sacrifices it means to care for move the slightest thing, he must ask permission and if grandfather disagrees, nothing changes in the house ... "
(The video was a march organized in January 2006. Sound recordings of the concert of Amadeo Roldan, February 2007)
I left Cuba because I was tired of the atmosphere schizophrenic situation there, because after several years of life, I did not want to make my life there, because I often felt stifled, stuck, and that feeling has come to be stronger than happy to live surrounded by a tribe Cálida. Three years ago I arrived in Havana with a single ticket and the address of a casa particular where to put my two bags in the first days. That's it. I did not know if I would stay a few months or years. I knew nobody on the island, but I was full of curiosity (I exaggerate a little, I kept a friend from my first trip to the island in 1995, and the fact that he comes to me at the airport when I arrived made me a very foolish). Very soon my Cuban andanzas led me to chance encounters, concerts Peñas, parties in discussions. I had the chance to meet great people early, even if I had only half aware that time. few weeks ago I read an article posted on Penúltimos Días . There was talk of "new rebels." And I realized that I knew almost everyone, close friends, and that beyond the political positions of each other, it is precisely their rebellion, freedom, energy that accompanied my discovery of Cuba, and had made him so rich. I arrived at a rather sluggish in Cuban history, the end of a political project, his disintegrating anyway. But what binds us to a country, it is not an abstract image, rather it is very flesh, these are the friends you have, the meetings that mark us, sometimes we bury the dead . The time has passed since I left, but I'm always careful what happens there, and my memories remain strong. And since fragments island is there, why not continue to share? So if laziness does not conquer me, I'll introduce you to some friends. I've already talked about Yoani and Reinaldo , soon you will meet Pedro Luis, Ray, Gorki, Ciro, Amaury, Luis Eligio, David, Arthur, Jacqueline, Irina, Pedro, Frank, Erick, Mayito, el Maja El Profe and many others ...
On this day a little rainy in Paris, I take you for a ride to Havana, the time of a song on the roof of a building Vedado, to find Adriana, outstanding singer and friend Cukier. A Gozar!
I remember it was an afternoon in late winter, shortly before I left Cuba. I was in their living room with this view that dominates the south of Havana. often I came home for the past two years, have a coffee, a glass of water, eat some pasta, a pretext for informal discussions - precious moments, trying to decipher an opaque reality. Was like leaving the island for a few hours, the codes were different, everything seemed simpler, more direct. During one of my trips outside Cuba, they even kept Jico my jicote despite his voracious curiosity toward their tiny Téa. Since then, Jico hibernates in Paris and Téa joined the Turtle ... paradise that day, Yoani sought a name for the blog that she wanted to create, she had several ideas. I found that "Generation Y" was the most appropriate for the Y, if and when generational Cuban, and the echo that it referred to the Gen X left behind history. Since then, his blog has become a piece of the recent history of Cuba, precisely, and millions of people now have the chance to share the freedom of thought and Yoani Reinaldo (without Y. ..) . I am often worried about them, how to avoid it, but I know their strength, quiet, comfort me now as then. And read day after day, it just cancel the hurricane in the middle where they are.
(And here , one of my first pieces, about Reinaldo).