Monday, September 27, 2010

Korean Movies In Vietnamese

Demonstration Harker: Why the Left was conspicuous by his absence

After the demonstration of 15 September 2010

Demonstration Harker: Why the Left

conspicuous by his absence


Alexander Gerbi

N Aguer Republicans, left, in particular, have tended to abandon the National Front of Le Pen JM symbols that are the tricolor and the Marseillaise . Incidentally, it was left to the far right of the emblems that it long rejected because it identified them to a French Revolution and a Republic ("the pig") which she hated everything, starting with the principles, Freedom, Equality, Fraternity and Secularism.

Remember that all the revolutions of the twentieth century (Russian, English, or Chinese) have made the singing of the Marseillaise and in remembrance of the French Revolution. Up to Tiananmen in Beijing in 1989.

left in France, only the Trotskyists, Stalinists retarded or naive still unaware that the Marseillaise is the anthem of universal people raised against abuse of its leaders, ie the triumphant banner of the left ...

The trial of Charles de Gaulle

The left parties they now intend to abandon the FN, and right, cause Hark?

And yet, the denunciation of the tragedy of Harkis should, in many ways, be the workhorse of the left.

Indeed, this case refers to the enormous crime of which the victims were Algerians Harkis and Francophiles. In the wake of Algerian independence, between July and October 1962 from 60,000 to 200,000 deaths, or more, in atrocious conditions.

other hand, this case brings together positively, unusually, more than 80% of the French and democracy, the voice of the people, let alone when she so obviously right, is sacred.

Finally, the tragedy of Harkis involves not only France and Algeria, but also half of the African continent. Indeed, this terrible page of our history, the Holocaust and Algerians Harki Francophiles, is the gateway to a broad historiographical machination: the "decolonization" immeasurable transvestite scandal of epic Freedom. The operation was conducted, in its final phase, by Charles de Gaulle. She finally allowed the establishment of neo-colonialism which, enslaving and destroying Africa, completed and disfiguring betray France.

All these parts are to be paid to capital trial in which Charles de Gaulle can not escape any longer.

" France is dead ... "

It is sad to note that the leftist political parties (PS, PCF, Greens) do support a paltry, if any, to Zohra Benguerrah and Hamid Gouras, daughter and son of Harkis, besetting the past 18 months the National Assembly, Nicolas Sarkozy to hold summit his campaign promise.

September 15, Zohra and Hamid had called for a major demonstration of support. While the left was conspicuous by its absence from the place Edouard Herriot, an old weathered by years harki whispered in despair: "France is dead ..."

Place Edouard Herriot, the microphone of Harkis, two figures of FN Gollnisch and Roger Holeindre, set themselves up as tribunes of the people, accusing de Gaulle as well as the Fifth Republic of crimes and treason. They received, of course, strong applause. Members of the MODEM (Jean Lassalle), the UMP (Christian Kert) and the Modern Left (Jacques Domergue) having been satisfied, themselves, to spend more furtively in the morning.

The meanders of the left

behalf of which the French left meanders absurd can it justify its complete absence on that day? How to explain it and let the party of JM Le Pen and Sarkozy's envoys and Bayrou's monopoly of defense of Harkis? No Socialist deputy, any member or communist, then, Green had five minutes to devote to the Palais Bourbon Harkis, that Wednesday ?

But in reality, the left is hampered in many ways by the tragedy of Harkis.

one hand because the left bears a heavy responsibility in this abominable affair, as it carries a huge drop in Algeria. Indeed, at the time, the orders of the USSR or worked as General by demons and civilizational racialist (as much as financial ...), the left made a covenant with de Gaulle to make the "release" of quasi- all African territories and populations of France. It at the highest level of the PCF and the SFIO (Socialist Party of the time), just as right, accept millions of blacks and Arab-Berbers as full French was not obvious. And many French politicians, especially among the great leaders of the time, heard that the National Assembly does peuplât point of hundreds of African MPs. For then, not only France would have completed his metamorphosis mestizo, but moreover colonialism was thus rendered impossible ...

To achieve this divorce done that suited neither the Africans, nor the Metropolitan, and attached one to the other French-African unity, de Gaulle did not hesitate to lie to the masses, and to invoke the first unit in equality and fraternity, and thereafter to rely constantly on 'right of peoples to self-determination ", while gagging the people ... to better break the Franco-African unity!

Consistency Gaullist

For in fact the promised program was fully grounded (1959-1962), and to do so the Constitution was trampled upon and copiously tampered with by the General. In black Africa, people were simply deprived of the referendum on the crucial issue of independence (Act 60-525, May-June 1960), better yet, Algeria, the referendum was organized by the FLN independence ... and ultraviolent (State Gaullist, became his ally, eventually the supply of weapons ...), in a climate of terror and massacre, resulting in uplifting of 99.72% YES for independence ... In both cases, in Algeria as sub-Saharan Africa, we could verify that the will of the people was merely a pretext for de Gaulle because the people had, in fact, more say in the matter. This did not prevent the UN wriggle with joy and even lend its friendly competition ...

is in this context that the Harkis were logically prohibited repatriation De Gaulle to "release" of Algeria and Africa to prevent "bougnoulisation" of France, so he refused to "bougnouliser" the France by welcoming hundreds of thousands of Algerians Harkis and Francophiles. For their families, they represented millions of people ... So

the French (or Franco-African ...) was dismantled, leaving the 9 / 10 of its territory and half its population in the name of racial, cultural and religious ("You see an Arab president at the Elysee?" ironically de Gaulle ...), but according to rough financial calculations. At the same time, France (or rather the Franco-African Republic ...) gave a power to be of planetary dimensions, to shatter into a myriad of states of varying size (medium, small or tiny) doomed to an inevitable relegation, even disaster ...

Tower of strength and consequences

The feat of Charles de Gaulle was to use his prestige as a man of 18 June to pass such a disaster for a huge victory in history and the coronation of greatness French. And narrow-mindedness and rejection of the republican ideal, became the height of eye level and the historical vision. Similarly, in another rhetorical prowess, the muzzling of the people became the supreme expression of their will. The point that today, much of the youth in France as in Africa, strongly believes that " freedom "was snatched by the Africans and Algerians to France constraints of their visit. Logically, some of these young manipulated now intends to finish the beast ...

Because the trouble is that such manipulation, between brainwashing, lies and brainwashing deleterious conjugates if they still provide today ' Today, however, hide the huge pot aux roses, are the source of an identity crisis and an extremely serious and profound malaise. Dynamics broken into regressive forces lapped in the direction of the hair, Fifty years of self-destruction seem to reach their breaking point: France appears poised to implode or tear. All this takes place while Africa endured for five decades long ordeal in which she appears very worn and suffering.

We now have 18 months to Sarkozy

We will have one day that the system is to say, the French state and its repercussions media, intellectual and educational (schools, colleges, universities) admit that since fifty years, they lie to the people and manipulate. We will have, also, they admit that the whole Franco-African was dismantled in contempt of democracy and the most sacred principles of the Republic. Much in defiance of "the right of peoples to self-determination."

If left to the Left Front National (or UMP, we must not forget that there are still 18 months to Nicolas Sarkozy to honor his promise ...) the monopoly of the case Harke, and incidentally the indictment De Gaulle against the monstrous period 1959-1962, it will not be surprised that the Left, as a punishment of history, of being beaten again in 2012.

Unless the Left not to join their next event and Hamid Zohra Benguerrah Gouras, which since the beginning of their action, they have always maintained warm and fraternal welcome all the support, wherever they come from. For the Sake of the Republic and France. But also in their hearts and their souls, in memory of their fathers, and on behalf of Africa and the people betrayed.

Alexander Gerbi

Pokemon Emerald Rom For Gpsphone Iphone

Poor me and my legendary amusement ...

Trystan (who designed all my little chibis of my classes Merciiii ^ ^ 3!)
Celine B. (Who designed everything I love ... Thank you very much: D Besides I love my socks.)
Thank you all! You are all too meugnons: 3
Aaargh ... I really have not had time to do much this week ... And when I have a little time for me, I'm too tired to do anything ... u_u '

Otherwise Happy Birthday to my marriage and my Popy Momy, who celebrated on Wednesday. I made a small watercolor of the coup: 3 Inspired by the painting "Dance in the City " Renoir: 3 (excuse the poor quality of the scan ... It is not terrible poor u_u)

And my entry for the contest on the theme of SAB Gothic Lolitas: 3 How do you find? ^ ^
... And then the banner for Maestro Cards, alias my friend Dorian who will do a blog where he put his magic tricks ... Promising no? : 3
I gave him his banner because it is too safe-in-magic-as-it-m-annoys-and-that-I-never-understand-anything-to-turn but because its level design that ... Er ... ^ ^ 'Not to hurt your feelings eh! ^ ^
And to finish it all, the drawing of a little angel made during my one hour of study a week u_u
So, I told you bientôôt ^ 3 ^

PS: All the winners, I begin to make your gifts, do not worry: 3

Comments Answers!

Enora: Thank you very much! Do not worry, I'll put it directly when he will link his blog ... : 3 And I am as anxious as you for his tricks, I've seen a few, and I can tell you they are terrible * o * *

Fanette : Thank you very much! Thank you for the compliments on the watercolor, I spent nearly four hours u_u 'But it felt good to think about something other than homework ^ ^ Aaargh, the Latin for it is not cool u_u But hey, tell you that they are good grades and more, and if they are bad, they are not counted in the average, so ... ^ 3 ^ Bisouus!
japk: And thank you for all the compliments, it makes me super warm heart you know: 3 Thanks for the watercolors, I spent the time: D Bisouuuuuuuuus !
SAB: Eh eh, thank you ^ ^ But you're sadistic, you love the pictures where I crash to the ground or when I'm doing wrong?! xD Meeeuh no, just kidding ^ ^ Kisses to you too! Arigatou gozaimasu! ^ ^ *
Echo-Kitsch: Thank you very much! It's funny that you like the little angel, I never thought (because I, I found not so successful that it ^ ^) The signs of the cards are super nice so I find is a great source I find inspiration ^ ^ For the Renoir painting, I chose Dance in the City because I love this picture, but I really like the work of Renoir, in fact, I had trouble deciding on one ... ^ ^; And then I changed my address to link, no soucy ^ ^ Kisses!
Quiche L. : And even if it was just the first time this has happened to me ... u_u And do not worry, I'll find time for myself, because otherwise I'll cut myself off at the North Pole ... eh Hmm, to watercolor, it may be impractical ^ ^; bikou Kisses and thank you!
Baka-Mala: Sure, it's quite annoying, it's a lot of rote in fact. But hey, you should know and go over that after it will be interesting ^ ^ Thank you very much: 3
LaGribouilleuse: AHL Ah, glad to have found an ally too distracted me ... n_n I really like this artist, but I love Mucha! ... But hey, make a background to the Mucha ... It's a mega-chtipeu galley ^ ^; Thank you very much, and your prices are almost finished: D Bisouuus!
Yuko: Thank you very much! Hu hu, you're exaggerating a little there no? #*-*# You're too nice, thank you again: 3 In school, it's going very well, thank you ^ ^ I came in this year ^ ^ 4EA Kisses to you too and good luck to you too!
Sweet Fish: Sure, it's hard but I like it ^ ^ No, the worst is to memorize texts in Latin u_u Thanks and many kisses to Twa!
Mister Apple: Thank you very much, and do not worry, Dorian appear immediately upon my links blog open ^ ^ In fact, I have only to colorize your price, cons I focused on "Professor Layton and the Curious Village", not "Pandora's Box" is not serious? ^ ^ *
Pumpkiin: me about it! Me it's geometry, I-ho rreur of this ... I always liked languages, like you! And the music too. For watercolors, I made the dark line, just that it's gone wrong with the scanner ^ ^; There is nothing that irritates me more than the bad scanners é_è Thank you very much, but I still much to learn about Photoshop ... I discovered almost every time ^ ^ Kisses!
Angus Grindan: Thanks a lot! True, you're right, after all this is perhaps the time saved for more ... Who knows ^ ^; Thank you again for your lovely comments! Kisses to you and see you soon: 3
Enora: You bet! Nobody has escaped ^ ^ *
Luthi: Vui Ben, of course, we must take it that way: 3 ^ ^ Bichouus
Sher: Really? I do not like the Portuguese ... The English and Portuguese do not attract me much, in fact ^ ^ Thank you very much, but it's actually watercolor that went down badly with the scanner. In truth, it is much darker than that ^ ^ *
Soan.C: It is true that the coup is not funny, but hey, it should not be too s 'upset over anyway ^ ^ Thank you Master Soan: 3 Voui Hu hu, I'm spoiled:) Sorry, I know this is long but I promise to do it faster ☺
Fanette: Really? We, in our college, when you have a note under 10, you do not count. But that's just for the Latin ... Alas u_u 'Well, there are a lot of disadvantages also in our college ... ^ ^ *
Lou': Uh uh, thank you ^ ^ At our age c 'old is stupid too, it should arrange to high school ... ^ ^
Thank you again, but you know, the Visual Arts and Design, this is not the same thing! Just the best score I had in Fine Arts is 16. Bichouuuus x3

Monday, September 20, 2010

How To Get Infinite Money On Poptropica

Happy Blog-Day Drawings

It is fêêête!
Owii, my first animation! Loitumaxel not bad I think! (Sorry for the white lines on the first animation, I could not remove them T ^ T It's not me, it's because Blogger T ^ T) (uh, I warn you, Only after it's blah blah, then install it yourself and go for a packet of crisps)

Already a year ... Well I say, it flies ...
I feel that this blog has always existed, ever since my birth, but in fact there is only one year today.
blogounet With this, I experienced things I never expected to live. I met wonderful people, very friendly. I think I improved a lot, not just in design (oh my so anyway, when I see drawings of a year ago ...) but also in my head. I am more assertive, and I have more confidence in me. Why? I can not explain. The mere fact that my drawings have liked to total strangers was very surprised I think, and especially encouraged me a lot. I never thought my drawings, which I found horribly mediocre, be accepted and even loved.

My mom had bought last summer, the first three volumes of Maliki. At first, I really hooked, I thought it was really well designed and really nice. When I saw the book somewhere in the website address ..
short, I have adhered to the spirit of comic strips on his own life. I tried like this, for fun, but I did not think a second to publish on the Internet. When I see the relationship Maliki's a link that looked nice. She was a young girl who drew, she was not older than me! And I thought "hey! Bin why not after all? A blog that can be nice," and anyway, I was expecting not to enjoy.
suite, you know ...

short, thank you to all of you behind your screen and read this, thank you for supporting me throughout this year. Thank you for restored confidence in me, thank you allowing me to improve myself as I never expected to get better in a year time. (Yes, I too have a game Miss France within myself ...)

To thank you for all that, so I decided to start a ...

No, no, no, do not leave, this time it's not a drawing contest! To change
is a questionnaire of 12 questions related to my blog. Attention, questions are not easy so far (do not worry, there are clues in the questions)! Send me your answers and MAIL ONLY BY MAIL, to "elficaxel (arobaze)"
Here is the survey says! You can help you archive and labels, no problem! Browse the blog by the length and breadth!

1. What is my favorite manga? (Roooh go, if you do not know that, you can skip the other questions right now ...)

2. Which character has taken my place time of an article during the month of June? Give his name, and its origin (Video games, books, manga ...)

3. What is the first I've Clow card shown on this blog?

4. What was the first person to tagged me?

5. What program do I looked when I drew the "Water Wizard"? (March 2010)

6. Who initiated the idea my first contest on the theme "Card Captor Sakura"? (January 2010 article "At the Bakers")

7. What is my favorite cheese? (December 2009: "Break Fromagère)
8. What American pastry my friend Dorian cries he called in class?

9. How Japanese thing my mom is she a big fan?

10. Who I destroyed my flesh colored pencil in April 2010?

11. What was the first contest that I won?

12. What is my favorite VOCALOID? (This is a UTAU)


Eh bé! It went fast! The winners were declared. Thank you for participating in my contest so many, it makes me really happy. I leave you the questionnaire, in case you want to do it again: 3
So the winner is ... # 1

By sending me a questionnaire without faults at 10:09 exactly! Kudos to her: D

and winners tie (yes!) # 2 are ...

MISTER APPLE (or Samu38) and SOAN.C!
They sent me their messages to 1 minute intervals, I found it more accurate to count them tied both right? : 3 Tell me what you like, okay? : 3

The cadeauuuuu for the FIRST WINNER c'étaiiit ...
My respect and my undying gratitude. NAAAN NOT THE HAMMER, I'm kidding!
ago to win a gift envelope, with watercolors, bookmarks unpublished drawings, a nice card and a decorated envelope! So?

The cadeauuuu for the SECOND WINNER WAS ...
A design choice made in the comp!


Well, I had an idea this morning. In this article, you can ask me ALL the questions you want, but personal stuff too like "what's your name", or "where you live," etc. etc.. But the rest you can: DA your keyboards!

And little fanart I received ... Thank you, you are amuuuuurs! Ze zaimeuh you!

Kero An adorable polymer clay made by the talented BSA. Kero is super happy! But he was disappointed that this is not a real cake ...

A cute little fanart done by Zoeoz. Thank you very much X3

A montage made by LaGribouilleuse! Thank you, I love X3

The article ends here ... Thank you again for being there, I hope you will still be there this year. (Miss France 2010 and is Axel!)

I honestly think having a great idea in creating this Blog last year ...

Kisses to all!

Answers to your lovely words: 3

SAB: beaucooouuup Thanks! It is true that I really like this blog! And it has grown too! (Magnified too, considering everything he ate ^ ^) Many thanks to you for your super nice comment. I hope you'll always be there to advise me and help me ... Bisouuus!
LaGribouilleuse: Thank you very much, and congratulations on your first place: D Glad you like my gifs, for cons I do not do it again anytime soon, it's pretty long and galley to u_u Thanks again to you! N'cha!
Floria: Oh, it will not stop! ^ 3 ^ Thanks very much!
Enora: Thank you very much! Oh, you saiis, you are not obliged to give me a cadeauuu ... * Big eyes * Merciiii kawaii! And I love my Kero, hu huuuuu X3 Thanks again for the third time and see you soon: D *
Soan.C: Thank you! I also hope there will be many more! Kawaiiounets big kisses to you!
Zlgm: Hu hu, you're too nice! Thank you very much, it gives me great pleasure to Toua Bichous x3! And in fact, a question that bothers me quite a while, how is it that you had discovered? o3o {?] At the time, nobody knew me (and vice versa ...) and I would like to know if it does not bother you ^ ^ Kisses!
Pumpkiin: Thank you, glad you like my gif! I spent over time and more x3 Kisses to you and see you soon little magic pumpkin: D *
Fanette: Uh uuuh, thank you very much for your little song: 3 It made me super happy: D Kisses to you! Thank you very much:) *
Mister Apple: Glad you're plaichir unto you: 3 But I do not celebrate 100 posts, since it is in 8 Posts barely ... There will be a short paragraph is all ^ ^ Bchu!
Sher: Aah, sorry for your comment, Blogger often does stuff like that u_u 'Thank you very much anyway, glad to see you smile again: 3 Thanks again ^ ^ *

Quiche L. : Thank you very much! It gives me great pleasure, please feel free to leave me a comment, it always makes me super happy: D Thanks again for your lovely comment ^ ^ 3 Kisses!
japk: like wow, thank you very much! Your comment is very nice ... Like all other ☺ Thank you too to follow me from the beginning. I make you pleing wholesale zibous, and very soon ^ 3 ^ *

JOBIS: Thank you very much! Alas, I never think curl perfection ... I can always get better, but perfection does not exist ^ ^ Hmm, at times, I do not know ... Middle Ages? A little too "chevalieresque" for my taste ... Renaissance? A bit harsh ... Prehistory?! Uh, no, and the future does not connect me too ... Oh yes: back there about twenty years back and buy goodies pleeeein Sakura when there were lots 3 ^ ^ Hey hey ... Predictably too n_n
Sweet Fish: Thank you very much! But no, I'm not too proud of what I did in fact ... I always find my drawings not terrible, but thank you for your comment! Kisses to you! : 3 *

Zlgm: Oh? It's funny: 3 In addition to the time my nickname was Kalex, I was afraid to reveal my real name ^ ^ I too was a fan of Mahaut ^ 3 ^ Many thanks to you for being the first unknown to me left a comment ... : D *

Lovely Smile Thank you ^. ^ ~ ♫ Oh yes, of course you can add me in your links, instead, it makes me really happy: D I'll see your blog right away:) *

Angus Grindan: Thanks a lot! It is true that Gif is not easy, but it's longer than difficult ... At least what I did ^ ^ Kisses to you too and see you soon: 3 *

Sea: Thank you very much! ♥ *

Paya: Vielen Dank ^ ^ 3 *

Mister Chicken: Ah but it's a shame is when your nannif blog? : 3 I have to go too ^ ^; Thank you very much: 3 *

Celine B. : Dacodac ^ ^ *

Miniservanne: Thank you very much, it's very nice of you! : 3 *

Loli: Thank beaucouuuup ♥ *

Echo-Kitsch: Thank you very much! Me, I like your name, even if I preferred to Coco Azurii: 3 Exsay is fine, it's pretty easy to use right? ^ ^ So, thank you very much, and very soon: 3 *

Stroff: Oh, that's okay, Sher had the same problem as you ... Blogger also has a small cractère ^ ^ Thank you very much for your super nice comment, I look forward to seeing your entertainment: 3 *

Serine: Thank you very much! It is true that I had not gone to your blog either ... Kisses to you and see you soon x3 Bchu!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Orange And Brown Bathroom Accessories


Hi everyone!
Well, I'm really sorry in advance, but I have not had time to do a little strip ... I am a bit flat ^ ^; I've had a lot of Interros since September and I still have two or three this week ... Not really conducive to drawing or painting, right? But I have not done anything, I did a little drawing with colored pencils for each subject as I work this year: D

So? Which is your favorite?
In fact, September 21, it will be the first anniversary blog! Well, when I will not even begin to go on, and thanks, I keep it for Tuesday!
Otherwise, two or three mini drawings. A watercolor by Georgia to Amanda, with a background almost succeeded ... Finally ... Yes ... good ... finally uh ...
And a drawing with crayons of Morpheus, the god Greek sleep. I represented a girl this time ^ ^
I made lots of big kisses, and September 21: D To celebrate the first anniversary blog (I the had already said ...?) there will be a contest. But for once, not drawings, but it will not be provided FACL ... "Laughed demonic"
short, I say to you September 21 for the first anniversary of the blog (I do not think you know it, though?)

对 评论 的 回应 !

The Gribouille: Thank you very much! Me too they are my favorite .. My materials too! I am in love languages! ♥ I liked drawing the Physical Chemistry, yes ... ^ ^ Thank you anyway for all the compliments! This is really sweet! ♥ By the way, if you win the contest, I promised you will make bookmarks just for you ^ ^ Bichouws!
Sweet Fish: If so, do not worry, it was a post planned, an automatic ^ ^ Well you see, I'm not a big sports fan ... I am always the worst ... Thank you very much for watercolor, although I do not think this is very true: 3
SAB: Thank you very much! Me too, Georgie reminds me of my childhood. Snif! (Especially since I saw him there 's three months you know u_u') Thanks a lot for Morpheus, I was hoping it would make him more inclined to make me to bed early, but apparently I did not believe T ^ T *
Floria: Thanks a lot! ^ 3 ^ *
Enora: Hu hu thank you! I hope you will participate in the contest, there is a nice prize to win ^ ^ Kisses to you and enjoy your weekend! = D And do not worry about mistakes, it does not matter any di! * Millions of guns are trained on you at any misspelling, hin hin * *
Echo-Kitsch: Oh yes, I'm doing is just a n_n just bursting 'Apparently, my Latin chibi looks to please: 3 Do not worry, you're not alone in making English there are many who do not like German. .. I wonder why indeed : S So, thank you very much! :) *
Soan.C: Thanks! Say, like the chibi Physical Chemistry apparently ^ ^ Neither do I. I'm not friends with him, alas ... Sleep comes quite late! Hu hu, surprise is a nice contest with a nice price to boot. I hope you will participate! : 3 *
Fanette: That compliments as compliments! ♥ I'll end up blushing! Thank you! This is really sweet to Toua! : 3 *
Zoeoz: Owiii, viiive German! ♥ *
Baka-Mala: Thanks a lot! I did not think to put them in my books is a great idea! Thank you very much ^ ^ *
Zoeoz: Ouaaaah, how he is too good! J'm'adore! Thank you, it's super nice to think about mwa! But I am disgusted, I made a fanart for you too, sitting on a giant Pikachu, but photoshop has done everything closed and I lost the drawing u_u sorry T ^ T (I can tell you that after I bitched ...)
Sea: Thank you very much! It's very zentil to Toua! ^ 3 ^ *
Rozie: Hmm, why almost? Latin, a language is great, I love me! Even if it's a dead language, it does not prevent it was interesting: 3 Thank you very much anyway!
Luthi: Thank you very much! I did not know you were a teacher! If it is not too intrusive, what material do you sign? : 3 *
Pumpkinette : Eh eh eh ... Honestly, if there was a contest demonic laughter, I do not know which of us would win in SCHBAFF x3 * pear * Thank you very much anyway, I was sure that Music & Song you like that: D
Trystan: Thank you: 3 But it is not really scratch, plus ... enchantments, you know x3 Thanks again! : 3

Friday, September 10, 2010

Whats Gay In Abu Dhabi

Harkis Vs Sarkozy

currently in Paris ...





Alexander Gerbi

past 16 months (yes, you read that right ...), and Hamid Zohra Benguerrah Gouras, daughter and son of Harkis, besiege National Assembly in Paris. To oblige Nicolas Sarkozy to keep his campaign promise, and recognizes the responsibilities of the French state in the tragedy of their fathers. They call for a major demonstration of support, Wednesday, September 15, during the question session to the government.

E n the year 2010, Fiftieth anniversary of "independence" in Africa, it is increasingly difficult to deny that fifty years ago, the magic word "independence" is allowed to hide the drop of African populations France, on behalf of "the right of peoples to self-determination", which was actually totally violated. See in particular the Case Gabon (1958), the Law 60-525 (1960), and the conditions of the referendum in Algeria (1962), resulting in 99.72% of YES for independence ...

Similarly, it becomes very difficult to deny that the African people of France were ostracized by the Republic of Charles de Gaulle, at the option of strange criteria, racial, cultural and religious. To avoid " bougnoulisation " of France (in the words of General, backstage ...) but also to make substantial savings (Cartiere, "" complex Dutch "), and secondarily to organize neocolonialism destroyed Africa for half a century (see The Tragedy of General , JR Tournoux, Plon, 1967; It was de Gaulle , Alain Peyrefitte, Fayard, 1994; The Françafrique , FX Verschave, Arenas, 1999).

The tragedy of Harkis

In these circumstances it would be good if the French government recognizes its responsibilities the tragedy that struck the Algerian Harkis and Francophiles. They were forbidden to return in 1962 by Charles de Gaulle. Helpless, abandoned and sometimes left to their tormentors, and finally committed collectively to the massacre, according to a scenario from that time. In full knowledge of the facts from the French authorities. But it to be avoided at all costs "bougnoulisation" of France, just ...

According to historians, from July to October 1962, between 45,000 and 200,000 Algerians Harkis and Francophiles (or more ...) were killed or tortured in a huge outburst of terror and barbarism. Objective: more than ever Algeria is French, and that everyone is now firmly disagree ... We must recognize that the operation worked perfectly, especially in the French suburbs. The Harkis are also often hated ...

Defying orders and threats, risking their careers, some officers are aware of the human disaster was coming, helped their men to win the metropolis. These survivors and their families (only 15,000 people in October 1962, at the end of the three major waves of massacres and thereafter, 70,000 survivors were given clearance to finally France) were immediately imprisoned in camps in the south, extreme poverty in material and moral. It is good to repeat the Bachaga Boualam , former vice-president of the National Assembly.

Game electoral

Today, the unacceptable jettisoning of Africa as the criminal abandonment of Harkis, are well known French politicians.

So much so that during his presidential campaign, in dire need of votes, Nicolas Sarkozy promised to Harkis and their descendants (now 500,000 people, so a lot of potential voters ...):

"If I 'm elected president, I want to formally recognize the responsibility of France in the abandonment and killing of harkis and other thousands of French Muslims, and I want to forget that the murders did not again .

Unfortunately, once installed at the Elysee Palace, Nicolas Sarkozy, sixth president of the Fifth Republic blanciste, leader of the UMP (ex-Gaullist RPR) has suddenly lost his memory. More than three years after his election, he has not kept his word ...

Two de Gaulle, two Petain

can understand the silence of Nicolas Sarkozy. For the short game and the ball over, the state recognition of his eminent responsibility in the tragedy of Harkis would lead almost inevitably to the indictment of Charles de Gaulle of "decolonization". Yet the court of history, it may well be that this second de Gaulle is sentenced as heavily as the second Petain ... Because looking at things in front and in their entirety painful, it appears that there were two De Gaulle, as there were two Petain first undoubted hero (Free France for de Gaulle, Pétain Verdun) and then a terrifying character (the de Gaulle of "decolonization", the collaboration Petain). At a time when the media-political cult dedicated to de Gaulle highs, such historiographical realities encourage the Elysee, of course, prefer abstention
Meanwhile, France have lived Harkis perjury of Nicolas Sarkozy as yet another mark of contempt.

Therefore for 16 months, Zohra and Hamid Benguerrah Gouras, daughter and son of Harkis, besieged the National Assembly, as part of a demonstration of unlimited duration. To oblige the president to honor his campaign promise.

Sixteenth month siege

Over the month, at long intervals, supports direct or indirect accumulated. Andre Genissieux for MRAP, Marie-George Buffet CPF Frederick Mitterrand Culture Minister, Jean-Marie Le Pen for the FN, and some 70 MPs from all sides ... A hitch heterogeneous and sparse, often extremely discreet, that is equal to the few media have covered Event: Rue89,, Radio Courtesy, Present, La Depeche du Midi, and much later in Provence, France Culture, France Inter ... Finally, surreptitiously, Liberation and Le Point.

Unfortunately, to achieve this fragile media coverage, had to be taken month after month, as the sun in the winter cold, in physical conditions increasingly difficult ... For as mayonnaise media and politics began to take the confrontation with the system sarkozyen went crescendo. Until the seizure of their vehicle, which was their home, and put into custody, handcuffed . They filed a complaint each time. In vain.

To support them, Hamid and Zohra call for a major demonstration of support, Wednesday, Sept. 15, the day of debates in the National Assembly. So that Nicolas Sarkozy is meeting its commitments, and finally recognize the responsibilities of the French state in tragedy of Harkis.

With the key, hopefully, a real revolution for France, which would need ... so

Alexander Gerbi

Event Support Harkis Palace Bourbon, September 15, 2010, from 10h to 19h, Place Edouard Herriot, Paris. Metro National Assembly.

Angus Bottle Calves For Sale, Florida

School Sweet

(click images to enlarge!)
Niark! Sorry if some pictures are a bit pixelated, I hope you get to read it anyway.
(in fact, Emma is not as jaded in life, it's just that it was sad that the holiday ends ^ ^)
Sorry for not having posted earlier Friends T ^ T But I'm already attacked by these terrible things called homework ... And suddenly the night I have more time to do too much *.*-
And besides, I do not have time to go on your blogs ... Promise I'll spend an hour or two reading your blogounets: 3
short! (I speak)
Have you noticed that I tried a new style of strips? It's not like I normally do, it takes longer but the result is nicer. I think I'll do it again next time: D

And I received no less than 3 fanarts! Thank Loli , Mister Chicken and Sweet Fish! ♥

I want to do as much fanart that you made me, but I'm really tired right now ... You'll want to? Sniff?

Otherwise, I wanted to tell you all a huge THANK for all the visits you made on my blog: not less than 9000 visits between June and this month! . Knowing that so many people I spend part of their time and take pleasure to go to this website designs! I never thought that in this blog ... also put upward So it is with a tear in his eye that I thank you from my heart! (No no I'm not saying this to please you and increase my visits xD)

And a little sketch for Tina, who celebrated his birthday on September 5th! (I'm not mistaken? ^ ^;) I was inspired by a drawing of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles!

And funny little anecdotes (ah AH! But no it's not where we need to laugh ...)
Do you know
Transformice ? It is a small online game created by Meli an illustrator I love parentheses. Finally, we are little mice and we must pick a level in the cheese and return to the mouse hole. Except that in
Transformice is much more complicated than that ...
levels are still very strange! Pushed by rising ground balls, falling anvils, slippery ... Anyway, the cheese is often inatrappable for us poor mouse ... But
a mouse is randomly designated to be the shaman of the group! It has the power to invoke moult objects like crates and help his cronies!
So Creammy invited me to play this game, and he has proved that ...
I suck.

(click to enlarge ☺)
I'm not done for online gaming ...

go, you big kisses to everyone and we left a little music! (Zelda to change.) The first minute, they only agree, then do not click close before, because when it's really nice:)


N'cha ♫

! SeriatnemmoC Xua sesnopéR

Soan.C: Yes it's unbelievable, the first day of school, I always stress to death ... "I'm not mistaken the hour?!" "And if my friends do not come?!" "And if they forgot me during the holidays?!" It just irritates everyone around me. After it rolls ☺ If yes, ich Deutsch lieeeeeebe! ♥ In addition we have a German teacher super nice! But being forced to choose a subject but not really nice ... Niark! I ask my mom like you say ... Thank you board p
Sweet Fish: Thank ♪ It's super nice! I also liked him T_T But instead I have a bag Dofus. Na. (Although I do not play it anymore xD) *
Pumpkin: Ben me just the opposite 6th Oo Some make me afraid limit (one of which has swung bark in figure no later than last Thursday ..) I have a busy schedule without hours of study since I took German-Latin ^ ^ But j'aiiime having lots of languages, I love learning new things ♥ Kisses to you little pumpkin from space! (Hey! It was time that I commanded you not called like that ^ ^) *
Sweet Fish: Phew! Glad to see I'm not the only draw in this game XD *
Stroff: Ben too, it's nice to go with a good impression ^ ^ Yes, I am sure Transformice you please, it's great when you have nothing to do ^ ^ (I personally prefer drawing by cons: D) *
LaGribouilleuse: Nychaaa! Simpleton! ♫ Do not worry, I'll make a drawing to you too: 3 Good luck if you play Transformice, I suggest you create a room before playing with other people for practice ^ ^ (type "/ salon name -of-your-room "chat to create one, but do not put the quotes: D) Kisses! And looove big gossip!
Sea: Oh no! This is my first year! For cons, I'm from Latin from 5th: D Thank you and see you soon: 3
Luthi: Yes, you're absolutely right! We quickly re-accustomed to the routine:) Thank you very much, now it's time for Christmas before mwa * x3
Baka-Mala: So I'm sorry but it is not me who wrote Small is that Blogger by recording images also reduces and distorts ^ ^ Click on it to better read x3
Enora: Oh? ^ ^ I like what I also have a technology teacher pretty baked too (like "I have worked for me 70 years, half of my life ...") Some teachers are pretty weird anyway x3 Bichous you and good luck, we are now in the creation of the EU * ^ ^

SAB: Thank you very much, it's very nice! Blogger is very ugly, I did it almost every time: '(
Kisses to you and very bientôôt! x3 *

Rozie: Naaan, but do not worry ^ ^ 3 Ben seen before it looked like I was 8 years old, you should be fine now xD It's true that I am now a bit bigger ... Aaargh, is impossible, I'll never get there! : '(Boarf, you know, I had the worst x3 (including a teacher who told us to stand up and shout at us because we had removed without his permission xD) Kisses to you!
Zlgm: Oh, you know, it's not the school itself that I do not like is other students -3 - Some of the less ^ ^ *

Ryz: Uh uh thank you ^ ^ *

Chibikokoro: I beg you, I love your blog, plus I love the banner * o * Thanks for the link the coup ^ 3 ^
Loli: Oh yes, I love it ^ ^ In Ireland? I would love to visit this country x3 I love the legends of Irish music and everything ^ ^ But I hate beer ^ ^ "Many thanks to you! Bichous!
Angus Grindan: Ooooh, thank you: 3 Oh it makes me really happy it all: D Thanks a lot! Glad you're not very good at Transformice, it reassures me ^ 3 ^ But I would never send my picture by-cons _ - 'Kisses to you!
Enora: Oh, no do not worry, it does not matter:) *

Floria: Hey hey, thank you ^ ^ *

Trystan: Thank you very much! I also love comics like that but unfortunately I do not have much time for me-_-'And tonight I still have lots of homework * _ *- But I'll try I promise! : 3 *

Echo Kitsch : Uh uh, lucky girl! I have the skin very ... VERY ... White ... I almost never do bronze, I'm sunburned but I do not tan-_-Aaargh! A shrill voice?! It's horrible, especially when you get the Coltines two hours away ... Yuck x (Good luck ^ ^ '