Friday, September 10, 2010

Whats Gay In Abu Dhabi

Harkis Vs Sarkozy

currently in Paris ...





Alexander Gerbi

past 16 months (yes, you read that right ...), and Hamid Zohra Benguerrah Gouras, daughter and son of Harkis, besiege National Assembly in Paris. To oblige Nicolas Sarkozy to keep his campaign promise, and recognizes the responsibilities of the French state in the tragedy of their fathers. They call for a major demonstration of support, Wednesday, September 15, during the question session to the government.

E n the year 2010, Fiftieth anniversary of "independence" in Africa, it is increasingly difficult to deny that fifty years ago, the magic word "independence" is allowed to hide the drop of African populations France, on behalf of "the right of peoples to self-determination", which was actually totally violated. See in particular the Case Gabon (1958), the Law 60-525 (1960), and the conditions of the referendum in Algeria (1962), resulting in 99.72% of YES for independence ...

Similarly, it becomes very difficult to deny that the African people of France were ostracized by the Republic of Charles de Gaulle, at the option of strange criteria, racial, cultural and religious. To avoid " bougnoulisation " of France (in the words of General, backstage ...) but also to make substantial savings (Cartiere, "" complex Dutch "), and secondarily to organize neocolonialism destroyed Africa for half a century (see The Tragedy of General , JR Tournoux, Plon, 1967; It was de Gaulle , Alain Peyrefitte, Fayard, 1994; The Françafrique , FX Verschave, Arenas, 1999).

The tragedy of Harkis

In these circumstances it would be good if the French government recognizes its responsibilities the tragedy that struck the Algerian Harkis and Francophiles. They were forbidden to return in 1962 by Charles de Gaulle. Helpless, abandoned and sometimes left to their tormentors, and finally committed collectively to the massacre, according to a scenario from that time. In full knowledge of the facts from the French authorities. But it to be avoided at all costs "bougnoulisation" of France, just ...

According to historians, from July to October 1962, between 45,000 and 200,000 Algerians Harkis and Francophiles (or more ...) were killed or tortured in a huge outburst of terror and barbarism. Objective: more than ever Algeria is French, and that everyone is now firmly disagree ... We must recognize that the operation worked perfectly, especially in the French suburbs. The Harkis are also often hated ...

Defying orders and threats, risking their careers, some officers are aware of the human disaster was coming, helped their men to win the metropolis. These survivors and their families (only 15,000 people in October 1962, at the end of the three major waves of massacres and thereafter, 70,000 survivors were given clearance to finally France) were immediately imprisoned in camps in the south, extreme poverty in material and moral. It is good to repeat the Bachaga Boualam , former vice-president of the National Assembly.

Game electoral

Today, the unacceptable jettisoning of Africa as the criminal abandonment of Harkis, are well known French politicians.

So much so that during his presidential campaign, in dire need of votes, Nicolas Sarkozy promised to Harkis and their descendants (now 500,000 people, so a lot of potential voters ...):

"If I 'm elected president, I want to formally recognize the responsibility of France in the abandonment and killing of harkis and other thousands of French Muslims, and I want to forget that the murders did not again .

Unfortunately, once installed at the Elysee Palace, Nicolas Sarkozy, sixth president of the Fifth Republic blanciste, leader of the UMP (ex-Gaullist RPR) has suddenly lost his memory. More than three years after his election, he has not kept his word ...

Two de Gaulle, two Petain

can understand the silence of Nicolas Sarkozy. For the short game and the ball over, the state recognition of his eminent responsibility in the tragedy of Harkis would lead almost inevitably to the indictment of Charles de Gaulle of "decolonization". Yet the court of history, it may well be that this second de Gaulle is sentenced as heavily as the second Petain ... Because looking at things in front and in their entirety painful, it appears that there were two De Gaulle, as there were two Petain first undoubted hero (Free France for de Gaulle, Pétain Verdun) and then a terrifying character (the de Gaulle of "decolonization", the collaboration Petain). At a time when the media-political cult dedicated to de Gaulle highs, such historiographical realities encourage the Elysee, of course, prefer abstention
Meanwhile, France have lived Harkis perjury of Nicolas Sarkozy as yet another mark of contempt.

Therefore for 16 months, Zohra and Hamid Benguerrah Gouras, daughter and son of Harkis, besieged the National Assembly, as part of a demonstration of unlimited duration. To oblige the president to honor his campaign promise.

Sixteenth month siege

Over the month, at long intervals, supports direct or indirect accumulated. Andre Genissieux for MRAP, Marie-George Buffet CPF Frederick Mitterrand Culture Minister, Jean-Marie Le Pen for the FN, and some 70 MPs from all sides ... A hitch heterogeneous and sparse, often extremely discreet, that is equal to the few media have covered Event: Rue89,, Radio Courtesy, Present, La Depeche du Midi, and much later in Provence, France Culture, France Inter ... Finally, surreptitiously, Liberation and Le Point.

Unfortunately, to achieve this fragile media coverage, had to be taken month after month, as the sun in the winter cold, in physical conditions increasingly difficult ... For as mayonnaise media and politics began to take the confrontation with the system sarkozyen went crescendo. Until the seizure of their vehicle, which was their home, and put into custody, handcuffed . They filed a complaint each time. In vain.

To support them, Hamid and Zohra call for a major demonstration of support, Wednesday, Sept. 15, the day of debates in the National Assembly. So that Nicolas Sarkozy is meeting its commitments, and finally recognize the responsibilities of the French state in tragedy of Harkis.

With the key, hopefully, a real revolution for France, which would need ... so

Alexander Gerbi

Event Support Harkis Palace Bourbon, September 15, 2010, from 10h to 19h, Place Edouard Herriot, Paris. Metro National Assembly.


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